Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jesus Must Have Smiled Bigtime!

I believe that Jesus is happy when any one of us prays.  I, for one, am especially guilty of not praying enough.  So He's definitely happy when I decide to take time out of my day to talk to Him, as He is happy when any of you do too.  I have to believe though that, He especially smiles when little children are learning to pray.  The pure innocence of their prayers are amazing.

Zachary has been saying prayers for a long long time.  From the time he could talk he has said prayers at the dinner table and at night before he goes to bed.  Lately though, his Daddy and I have been talking to him about the fact that he can pray about anything and everything.  He doesn't necessarily have to say the same exact prayer all the time.  We've told him that Jesus is happy to hear about anything that we want to talk to Him about.

A couple of weeks ago we had to really talk to Zachary about the "way" he prays.  He had gotten into a habit of just rattling off his prayer as quickly as he could and by the end of the prayer it came out as mumbo jumbo (I am guilty of that myself so I definitely understood!).  It took a few days to get the point across that when we talk to God we are to show respect.  He finally understood and now takes his sweet time when praying.  It has been the sweetest thing to hear.

The last few days he's been thanking Jesus for the people in his life, and our food, friends, etc. but he's also thanked Him for "the houses for sale, the houses not for sale (he must really realize the real estate market crisis our country is enduring!), and the houses that burned." The first time I heard this I busted out laughing but covered quickly with a "coughing" attack.  For some reason this is what he wanted to pray about.  (I have a feeling I know where it's coming from.  Some days he goes with Papa to investigate new neighborhoods and, along the way, has seen a couple of homes that have burned.  For whatever reason they find that fun!)

I told Paul that these days and these "types" of prayers won't last forever so I wanted to try to sneak one in on video.  We did at dinner tonight.  (he left out the part about the houses this time though!  I gotta get that one!)

Whenever I'm stressed I really need to remember that God placed so much importance on listening to children and giving them the time and attention they deserve.  It's so easy for me to forget that.

Turn up the volume on your computer. . . here is my sweet boy praying at dinnertime tonight. . .

In other news. . . 

Today was Zach's first Show & Tell at school.  He decided to take Ted the turtle.  Ted is also a puppet.  Zachary did so well and all the kids seemed to like Ted.  I tried to get a little on video but Chase started getting squirmy so I had to cut it short.  Here is what I got though. . . 

Ted in his shell. . . .

and out!!

Also a few pictures from his classroom. . . .

Zach's buddy Logan

Zach has to sign in every morning!!

And, in a last little bit of Zach news. . . he's started a new eye exercise program on the computer.  Dr. Sherman, the pediatric eye specialist prescribed it.  Zach's left eye sometimes tends to drift a little especially when he's tired or not feeling well.  The doctor feels good about this correcting more and more on it's own but wanted him to do exercises five days a week for seven minutes each session.  Thankfully Zach thinks they are fun.  He gets to wear cool sunglasses and play on the computer. . . how could that NOT be fun.  Technology is amazing.  Tonight was his first exercise.  He did awesome!!  I gave him the boring game tonight and he still found it fun.  Tomorrow night he will get to play with the spaceships.  ;)

sweet little hand on my mouse!

And now a little Chase news. . . 

Chase Parker LOVES LOVES LOVES his brother.  It's more and more apparent each and every day.  He gets so excited when we go pick up Zachary from school.  Then he gets so excited when Zach gets up from his nap later.  Anything brother does Chase wants to be right there.  

But. . . it's also the other way around too!  Today when we pulled in the garage from picking up Zach from school I opened my door to get out and get the kids out and Zach said, "Momma, unbuckle me and let me love on brother before we go inside please."  Of course I obliged!  I mean, this was my chance to get raw video footage to use as blackmail later on in life!  

This is what I came up with inside the Rover inside the dark garage. . . so sweet from what you can see!

I think that about ends my day. . . I'm gonna go do what Chase Parker does best. . .

1 comment:

  1. so so sweeeeeeeeet! :) btw, I LOVE that song, Hold Me! :)
