Friday, August 12, 2011

Chase Parker Going Cold Turkey!!

Since Chase Parker turned 1 year old a couple of weeks ago I have been contemplating how to start weaning him off the bottle.  I really don't remember exactly how I did it with Zachary.  I THINK I just started slowly and dropped off one feeding here and there and finally he was down to one bottle at night and then quit shortly thereafter.   However I DO remember that I started getting Zachary off the bottle the week of his first birthday.  So, I've kind of felt like I've been "behind" a little in working with Chase.  When I woke up this morning I guess I felt like Superwoman because I made the decision to try it cold turkey today.  I really don't know what made me decide that but I'm glad I did.  It worked perfectly!  Chase gave me a few "what is going on?" looks today but otherwise he has been his happy go lucky self and has not let it disrupt his daily routine one bit.  When it was time for his morning bottle I took him in his room and sat down in the rocker and gave him his sippy cup instead of his bottle.  He sat up in my lap and gave me a look of "what is this?" and then got a little cranky.  He pushed his sippy away totally.  So, I just put him on the floor and put his cup in front of him and let him decide what he wanted.  He decided he would take a sip or two and then he played around in his room for a few minutes.  He kept coming back for more milk until finally he had it finished.  He seemed satisfied and happy so we went on about our day. Really that has been the extent of it.  I have given him a little more food today and offered his sippy more often but he has handled it wonderfully.  I'm SO proud of him.  I thought maybe he would have a hard time when it was bed time but not a peep so far.  He has been sleeping soundly since 5:45PM.  Hopefully he will have the same great attitude tomorrow!

And in other Chase Parker news. . . 

He went for his one year checkup recently and got the dreaded one year shots.  I have had such a difficult time with this for some reason.  I don't remember having "issues" when this time came for Zachary but for Chase I did.  All the autism reports and all the pros and cons of having shots vs. not having them is all very scary to me.  But, after much research and prayer Paul and I decided to stick with the shots.  Thankfully Chase had absolutely no reaction to them.  Even the day of the doctor's visit he wasn't even cranky at all.  I credit God for answering prayer!  

Here is Chase Parker in a nutshell at 1 year old:

--weighs 23lbs. 6oz.

--height 31.25 inches

-- says a few words:  "DaDa", "Mama", "Uh Oh!", "Bye bye", "Ah Choo!" (sneezing!), "All done", "Nana" (for banana)

--waves bye bye to you.

--claps his hands.

--LOVES swinging!

--loves to be "on the go".  Whenever I turn the house alarm on before we leave he gets SO excited.  He knows he is going "bye bye".

--LOVES  his big brother so very much.  When Zachary calls me after waking up from his nap Chase perks up and usually starts talking loudly while he heads to his brother's door.  When we go in Zach's room Chase gets on his bed and cuddles with Zach. It is the CUTEST THING EVER!  They love each other so much.  

--loves turning the lights on and off!  (SO annoying at times!  The light switch in his room is right by his changing table!)

--loves to eat eat eat!  Definitely different eater than Zachary was at this age.  He loves all his fruits and veggies.  Not really keen on meat yet but he will eat chicken pretty good.

--getting very close to walking.  He is cruising and pulling up on everything and probably will be walking very soon I would guess.

--sleeps from 5:45PM to 7AM every night.  Can't complain there!  He's not the greatest napper in the world but I will take my long nights any day!

--favorite toys are definitely things with wheels.  He loves his brother's huge monster truck.  He also loves balls galore!  And, when there is music playing he will shake shake shake that little bootie!

--when I'm holding him in my lap he loves to turn my head and check out which earrings I'm wearing that day.  

Paul and I are so very blessed to have our sweet baby boy.  He really has completed our family.  His bright, fun loving personality and sweet little spirit make him so very loveable.  Zachary feels the same exact way too.  I often times hear him say sweet things to his baby brother -- even tells him he loves him.  It warms my heart each time I hear or see love between them.  Paul Birdwell was definitely RIGHT in talking me into having two.  EVEN as much as I complain about how tiring it is sometimes.  

This parenting thing is hard.  And wonderful.  And joyful.  And amazing.  I am so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. aaaaawwwww!! precious! :) and btw, I love your hair!!!! Keep on keeping on with the growing :) you got this!
