Friday, August 19, 2011

What's Goin' On With Us . . .

Friday has arrived.  Last weekday before school starts.  Last night it hit me as I was re-reading Zach's school handbook and orientation papers. . . he's only ONE year away from Kindergarten.  I had tears come to my eyes.  Time is a crazy thing isn't it?  I sometimes wish for days to be over and done with five minutes after I get up in the morning.  Then again, there are days that I wish would last forever.  There are moments that I wish would burn in my memory and never go away.  I cannot believe that Zachary has already reached four years old.  Time is amazing.  Cruel, and yet a blessing.  I love my little boys so much and want them to grow up so I can see what kind of men they will turn out to be.  But, I really sometimes wish that wouldn't happen.  I sometimes wish they would always need me as much as they do right now, love me as much and WANT to spend time with me like they do now.  I'll have to figure out a way to bottle up all that.  In a sense I bottle it the best way I know how through videos and pictures.  So, don't make fun of me too much!

Ok, enough sappiness. . .

We enjoyed a fun week. I've already blogged about Trevor's visit but on Wednesday evening the kids enjoyed their Uncle David and Aunt Deke coming over for dinner and playtime.  They arrived around 5:15PM so they would have some time with Chase Parker before he went to bed.  Chase enjoyed playing with them but especially swinging in the "nana swing" with Uncle David.  The picture below is very special to me.  I tease both of my brothers alot but, secretly between you and me, they are two of the greatest men I know besides my husband and father.  Both my brothers are awesome examples to my kids so I feel fortunate that my boys have the uncles they do.

After dinner Uncle David and Aunt Deke went upstairs with Zach to watch the train show he put on.  He loves having an audience.  Especially one as fun as his uncle and aunt.  Aunt Deke has so much experience playing with boys since she was a stay at home mom for years and years.  Zach loves her to death!  I caught this cute picture of the two of them. . .

We had a great time with them on Wednesday. 

Thursday was another fun day.  Zach and Chase's friend Scarlett came over to play.  I always love watching them play together.  They get along so well.  And, I enjoy "adult mom" time with Scarlett's mom, Vicki.  She is an awesome friend.  Not many people I can truly say I can be myself around and feel comfortable.  Vicki is definitely one of them.  Unfortunately their family is moving soon so we will miss them so much.  Thankfully there is Facebook and telephones and hopefully we can visit each other too.  We have only known them a short while but long enough to know they are special people!

Here are a few pictures of our playdate. . . 

Thursday evening was Zachary's Orientation at school.  We had a great time touring his new classroom, seeing his cubby and seat, and seeing all his friends come back.  We loved talking to his new teacher, Mrs. Candace Duclos.  Zachary was so blessed to have a wonderful teacher, Mary Forrestall, last year and is lucky again to have another awesome teacher this year.  It is nice that it is a small school and he already knows Mrs. Duclos.   It is going to be a fabulous year I know.  

Today I caught a few cute pictures of Zachary in Chase Parker's crib this morning!  When we were walking down the hall to get baby brother up this morning Zach asked me if he could snuggle with Chase in his crib. I thought that was so sweet!  Chase's face lit up when I put Zach in his crib.  He LOVED it!  They both had a crazy wild time together.  Of course I got video too.  Here are a few pics:

LOVE LOVE LOVE my sweet boys!!

Tonight we are going to stay in.  Well, all of us except Zach. He's headed over to Grammy and Papa's house for dinner and croquet under the lights.  They are waiting til darkness falls to turn the big yard spotlights on and hit the croquet course.  I know, crazy!  But, that's good fun to a four year old and I thank my parents for always making his days (and nights tonight!) so much fun.

In other miscellaneous news, Chase Parker has been challenging me recently with the cat food.  He finds it so amusing to dump all their food out.  Thankfully I have not seen him taste it yet but I'm sure that is coming soon.  I'm not going to get there in time every time!  He also is fascinated with the kitty pet door. Back and forth, back and forth he goes.  And, heaven forbid he see me working at the computer.  He LOVES the mouse and the keyboard.  I gave him an old keyboard to play with thinking that would appease him.  Nope.  Only the one Mom is using.  These are the things life is made of though.  I'll try to remember that.

Ah, the weekend is almost here.  Hubby has a golf tournament for half a day Saturday but after that he's all mine I hope.  See you soon.

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