Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yet Another Sad Goodbye. . . .

Blackjack Coal Birdwell
lovingly called "Pootie"
June 2004 - September 27, 2011

Ok, why is this almost seeming a little too normal to me now?  Oh, yes, it's because I've had to write an animal obituary three times now in the past 4 and a half months.  I always said that this family needed to downsize.  (I was kidding God!) It always took people's breath away when I would tell them I am a mom of two boys, two dogs, two cats, and two frogs.  Now, sadly as of today, we are down to one kitty and two frogs.  I highly doubt that I will write an obituary or shed tears for the frogs so basically we are down to one kitty.

Blackjack Coal Birdwell has had several names in his seven years of life.  It started out with Blackjack.  That got way to cumbersome to say so it was shortened to Jack for a long time.  Then somehow it, and I have no idea how, progressed to Pootie.  Pootie stuck.  He's been Pootie for many many years.  Pootie has been a very different cat.  I've only had two cats in my entire life so I don't have alot of experience but I do have quite abit experience with dogs.  And, Pootie definitely acted more like a dog in some ways than a cat.  He was clumsy, not at all the precise animal like most cats are.  If he tried to jump off a ledge it was always with good luck that he landed.  And, he did not have that prissy, soft, soundless landing like a "real" cat.  He landed with a thud.  He was different, he was very annoying at times, very demanding at times, but very much loved by our family.  Especially Zach.  He and Zach were pretty close.  The one GREAT thing about Pootie was that he was usually always around the kids.  He didn't want them touching him very much (except Zach got to moreso than anyone else) but he wanted to lay around near them, near their toys, and near the action.  Sometimes early in the morning, after I had just picked up toys the night before, I would find odd things that were brought downstairs by Pootie in the middle of the night.  Things like Hot Wheel cars, play food such as pickles, hamburger buns, etc. that would magically appear downstairs.  I sometimes would see him have them in his mouth so I knew it was him.  I have no idea why he felt the need to bring them downstairs while the household was sleeping.

He had a routine definitely.  He was a morning cat for sure.  Every single morning, almost without fail, he would wait for me to get out of the shower and nibble at my ankles as I was trying to carefully apply my makeup for the day.  I was not feeding him fast enough.  He loved us turning on the water in the tub every morning so he could have his own personal waterfall to drink from.  And, if we didn't happen to get out of bed in time he would walk over our bodies while we were sleeping in the hopes of waking us up.  Have you ever had a 17lb. cat walk over you constantly?  Somehow he knew exactly how to push our buttons and somehow he knew which body parts to walk on to cause us the most pain.  

He loved his treats too.  And, he had to be fed at the same times every day.  And, he usually wanted Mom to do it.  Not Paul, just me.  Even if there was food in his bowl he bugged me to death until I put more food in.  I even faked like I put food in his already full bowl sometimes just so he would stop bugging me.  He was a cat with an attitude for sure.  If he didn't get his way, in a timely manner, you would pay for it.  Sometimes big time.  One evening I was working on the computer and he wanted me to feed him.  Stupidly I kept ignoring him.  He then jumped up on my desk and started pacing in front of my computer screen. I still, stupidly, ignored him.  Finally he had enough.  He sprayed my computer screen!  Many of you would have thrown him to the wolves that night but I learned my lesson.  He got fed on time from that point forward.  He definitely knew how to train mom.

He was with us for seven years.  Blue was just about a year and a half when we brought Pootie home.  Usually cats don't immediately warm up to other cats apparently but by the end of the first night they were playing together and sleeping together.  I have such cute videos of them when they were kitties.  They loved each other very much.  I'm sure Blue will miss him terribly.  We will have to give him extra lovin'.

We will all miss Pootie but as I've said many times before. . . as much fun and unconditional love that pets bring us over the course of our lifetime we have to be willing to show them love and respect in the end.  The vet had a sneaking suspicion that he had developed lymphoma by some blood tests that came back.  Lymphoma is quick acting in cats apparently.  I've had two basset hounds die from it and it's not fun to see.  We did not want Pootie to get to the painful stage but instead go peacefully.  So, we said our goodbye's today, as hard as it was.  I also believe that, even if we don't know that they understand it, that it is good to walk through the process with them.  Somehow, as hard as it is, it seems to give you a peace that you have done your best for them and have been there for them like they have been there for you, unconditionally.  So, today, I was the one with him.  I absolutely hated it but I did it for him.  Maybe he's playing with Alex and Jessi now.  I sure hope he's having so much fun.  When I get to Heaven one of the first things I want to know is what REALLY happens to our pets when they leave us.  I know there are much more "important" things that we should be interested in knowing when we get to Heaven but, as an animal lover, I really wish that answer would have been included in the Bible!

Pootie, we will all miss you so much.  Even though you were just a kitty, you were our kitty and brought us years of fun.  We love you.

(Now let's hope this is the LAST animal obituary for a while!  Everyone root for Blue!!!!)

Here are some of my favorite pictures with Pootie. . . 

and my very favorite. 
He was just a few months old here. 
Love you Pootie.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Mini Magazine For Your Reading Pleasure. . . .

I haven't blogged in a while. . . I'm feeling chatty. . . really chatty.

I've HAD it.  I mean REALLY had it.  As many of you know, we have two kitties, Blue and Blackjack, otherwise known as Boo and Pootie.  For the past week Boo (usually the somewhat behaved one) has decided to open and shut the kitchen cabinet doors in the wee hours of the night.  Now, here's the kicker. . . . the cabinets have baby locks on them.  The kind that only let you open the door about an inch.  So, just imagine the cat opening the door an inch and then letting it slam closed about fifty times a minute during the wee hours of the night.  Apparently ALL the men in the household can sleep right through the rucus.  I,however, wake up at the first slam.  I try my hardest to ignore him because I know that he is doing it because he LOVES hearing me coming bulldozing through the kitchen with flames coming out of my ears yelling wildly while whispering.  For some odd reason the cat has decided that he REALLY enjoys this game.  

If I cannot take the misery and finally decide to get up and lock him in a room, I then hear him whining and scratching at the door all night.  There is simply no way around my misery.  Well, there is a way, and I'm about at that point, but not yet.

As if that wasn't enough, during the daylight hours Boo has decided that he will launch from countertop to countertop in the kitchen and drive me nuts.  As if I am not grouchy enough from the night before, he decides he wants to torment me during daylight hours.   

And, as if ALL of that is not enough, guess what the vet recently talked me into.  Getting this:

THIS is called Feliway.  It is a plug in that emits an odor, smelled only by cats, that is suppose to bring cats into their "happy" place and make them behave better.  It says it takes 4-6 weeks to start working.  It cost $49.  I have had it for about three weeks.  As you can see from the nightmares I've endured during my nights and days it has not started working.  I think I've been had.

And, if all that weren't enough. . . as if we haven't had our share of animal "troubles" lately (losing two old sweet basset hound doggies within the past four months), Blackjack (affectionately known as "Pootie") decided to start throwing up and having poopie issues.  After a very expensive trip and overnight stay at the vet, we still don't know if it's a life threatening issue or just a hairball/digestive issue.  So, I don't know if I will be writing a third obituary soon or just suffering from the chunk he's taken from our bank account as he recovers to healthy again.  Stay tuned. . . 

Why can't I find more time?  Why can't I actually be BORED a little of the time?  My days usually start at 4:40AM and ends anywhere from 10PM to 11PM each night.  You would think not having an outside "job" and getting up that early and going to bed that late that I would have time to do everything I need to do.  I just don't get it.  Lately I have been guilt ridden thinking about baby books.  I have three beautiful, hardbound, painstakenly perfectly designed and written baby books on Zachary Thomas.  

I have ZILCH on Chase Parker.  I am going to rectify this soon if it kills me.  The thought of designing, creating, and writing a book is just an overwhelming thought at the moment.  It is SO different when you only have one child.  Wow.  Nevertheless, I will find a way to do this for my sweet baby boy.  He deserves it so much.  Once I get into it I will enjoy it and time will fly by.  It's the getting started that is so daunting.


MEDICAL MINUTE:  Body Brushings!

Many of you know that Chase Parker has been seeing a physical therapist since he was six months old for therapy for his torticollis.  During the course of his therapy I have learned much.  I've read this interesting book that has explained alot about Chase, myself, my husband and even my firstborn, Zachary.  Yes, while the book is geared mostly towards individuals with autism and other similar disorders, it does explain our sensory system in great and very interesting detail.

The short story is:  
Zach and I are "OVER" REGISTERS
Chase and Paul are "UNDER" REGISTERS

Example:  There's a canoe, sitting in the water, tied to the dock.  An "over" register person walks up to the dock, steps very carefully into the canoe, immediately feels it rocking and automatically reaches for something to hold onto and fears falling into the water.  Takes his or her very sweet time sitting down properly and safely.

An "under" register walks confidently up to the boat, steps in, feels it rocking but really doesn't react.  Depending on the force he or she promptly sits down or falls out.  Either way, no freaking out occurs but they could get eaten by the alligator waiting in the water.  ;)

Which means in a nutshell:  Zach and I freak out because we immediately jump to the worst conclusion possible and adjust accordingly to live life on the "safe" side.  Chase and Paul immediately jump to the best conclusion and sometimes don't use ENOUGH caution.

No person is perfectly balanced in these areas.  We all have sensory "issues" in one way or the other.  As a part of Chase's therapy and overall sensory well being we have started "body brushings".  Supposedly these body brushings "restart" or "recharge" his sensory system.  Our feet, hands, and joints are major sensors.  Sometimes, in Chase Parker's case, he does not get information fast enough to the brain through his sensors.  In Zach's case, he gets too much information too fast.  Apparently body brushings help balance that all out.  In any event, the boys (especially Zach and even Daddy!) love getting their body brushed (as weird as that sounds)  Check out these video clips (turn your volume up) . . . . after viewing you find that you want more info about bringing your sensory system into balance feel free to contact me.  ;)

Which brings me to my favorite "Zach Quote" of the month so far. . . 
As he was enjoying his body brushing he turns to me and says, 
"You rock girl!"


At the top of my list for sure.

I've always believed that it truly does take a village to raise a child.  I would not be a sane person today without the help of my husband, grandparents, aunts, uncles, other extended family, friends, and, of course, teachers.  

Zachary stayed home with me until he was three years old.  He transitioned beautifully into preschool for three mornings a week.  His first teacher, Miss Meagan, was awesome.  She was just there for a short time while he began during summer term.  His first Fall semester came and he was so blessed to be in Mrs. Mary Forrestall's class.  Awesome as they come.  Everyone at Trinity United is topnotch.  As this new school year approached everyone told me that I was in for a real treat when Zachary started his last year at Trinity.  Candace Duclos is the coveted Pre-K 4 teacher.  Everyone told me that there was no one better.  While she holds a Masters Degree and has been there for umpteen years, the most important thing to me is that she exhibits such a loving, unique teaching style that I can hardly explain.  But I'll try.

I didn't really get it until the first time I heard her address her class.  Her voice is smooth as silk and she has an almost hypnotic way with the kids (and me too).  Every sentence she says is positive reinforcement that they are special, they are loved, they are smart and they are good.  Zachary has fallen in love with Mrs. Duclos and after just a few short times of seeing her in action I totally get it.  He comes home excited to tell me about his day and always looks forward to going to back to school the next day.  He even mimics her while he's role playing. . . so cute!!  I asked him one morning why he liked Mrs. Duclos so much.  His response, "she is always so nice to all of us".  

It's so nice to know that I don't have to worry in the least when he's at school.  I know he's learning and I know he's loved.  That's all that matters.

I just hope and pray that I can talk her into a few more years so Chase Parker will get the great foundation she provides for Kindergarten.

Thank you, Candace, for taking such great care of our sweet boy.  Paul and I appreciate you so much.  It takes a special person to do what you do every day with such extraordinary patience and skill.  With so many school years ahead for Zach I am without a doubt sure that there will never be a teacher that we love and respect more than you.  In just a few short weeks you have made an amazing impact.  

Now that I've said ALL THAT. . . . will you stick around for Chase Parker?  ;)

Some pics of Mrs. Duclos' classroom. . . . 

Zach signs in every day!

the quintessential preschool picture (thank you Stacey for the idea!)



After surviving a Walmart run (one of my least favorite things to do) I was buckling Chase Parker in his carseat.  Zachary was being quite grumpy and I sternly said to him, "It would be in your best interest to hush".  All of a sudden I hear a sweet, angelic voice mimic me and say so sweetly. . . "hush".  Chase Parker was so proud of himself and I of him!

I caught him later proudly saying his new word:


A special SHOUT OUT!
Laura Case Photography
Cary, North Carolina

Many of you know my love for photography.  If you don't know you can certainly guess by reading and looking at my blog and facebook.  Considering that I "broke" our family website (RIP www.thebirdwellfamily.com) with over 17,400 pictures and 80 hours of high def video I think it's probably more than "a love" but rather "a sickness".  And, many of you know I struggle with frustration over not having enough time to really learn my hobby like I would love to.  My plan of taking photography classes when Zachary started school was put on hold when Chase Parker came along.  

In the meantime of me self-teaching and limping along at my hobby I have discovered this wonderful resource.  She is Laura Case of Laura Case Photography (www.lauracasephotography.com).  She lives in Cary, North Carolina and I actually found her blog while doing a search for articles on torticollis when Chase was first diagnosed.  I've been a daily follower of her blog (jonandlaura.blogspot.com/) for months.  She is a dedicated mom and wife, incredibly talented and funny, but also, selfless.  I admire that she dreams big, makes a plan for seeing her dream become reality, and then does it.  

I love her work and one day decided to contact her.  I'm so glad I did.  She has taken so much time with me, selflessly giving up awesome photography tips, editing tips, etc.  She even has reviewed my work and given much useful feedback.  

It's so nice to know that there are generous souls still out there in the world.  Thank you Laura Case!  You are awesome.


Family Fun:

and from a recent swim playdate with several of Zach's friends. . . 


Some Zach Funnies:

One night at dinner:
Out of the blue, one night at dinner, Zachary asks me, "Mom, do you read your Bible every day?"  In a split second, after I almost choke on my food, feel sudden conviction, and wonder if it really was God himself speaking to me, I say, "Not like I should son. I try to but I don't always succeed."  He replies, "Well, you might want to think about reading it a little more."

Definitely causes one to stop and think.  It also caused me to think about why he didn't direct this question to his FATHER as well who was sitting right there!!!!!  

After reading a train magazine that he got from Books A Million:
"Mom, there are alot of trains in here that I would like you to buy.  Maybe you could just buy some online today and work up to buying them all soon." 



(Whew.  I know you are relieved.)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A SuperWoman Kind Of Day. . .

My day started at 5:15AM.  Got out of bed, got dressed, put my hat on my bed head, earrings in my ears so people would know I was female, did my stretches and headed out of the dark sleepy household to the gym.  Absolutely no one was there to know if I was male or female and it was quite nice having the gym all to myself.  Worked out until 6:30AM and headed back home.  Returned to a dark sleepy house and quietly slipped into the shower.

I heard the first man get up, then the second, then the third.  By this time I was showered and dressed and ready for breakfast out with my men.  We enjoyed our smiley faced pancakes and then headed to Lake Ella to have some family fun with the ducks.  (See my separate post for the day for cute pictures!)

After we returned home the boys played a little while hubby and I relaxed on the couch watching.  Pretty soon it was apparent that the wee man needed a nap.  While I was putting him to bed Paul and Zachary headed off to Tom Brown Park to see more of the bike races from yesterday.  Then my day REALLY started. . .

While Chase was napping I. . . . .

put a new recipe for BBQ shredded pork in the slow cooker
cleaned the kitchen countertops
cleaned all the stainless steel in the kitchen
cleaned the kitchen table
dusted furniture in living room, dining room
cleaned three baths

Then the little dude woke up so I . . . .

had fun swinging with him in the "nana" swing on the screened porch
fed him his snack
organized his clothes in his dresser drawers
washed two loads of laundry, folded and put away
made sweet tea
warmed leftover homemade veggie soup for Paul and Zach who were on their way home

After the men arrived home I. . . .

fed them lunch and got Zach ready for his nap
asked Paul to take Chase upstairs while I vacuumed downstairs
vacuumed downstairs
mopped the hardwood floors

When Paul left for his afternoon mountain bike ride I. . . .

played with Chase
wrote my blog about our Lake Ella adventure
visited with my Mom when she came over to get Zach

After Mom and Zach left I. . . .

fed Chase his dinner
gave Chase his bath

After Daddy arrived home I. . . .

watched him play with Chase a few minutes
put Chase to bed for night night
finished up cooking the new BBQ shredded pork recipe
swept off the screened porch and wiped down the rails

After Zach arrived home I. . . .

prepared BBQ shredded pork with chips, cheddar cheese, pickles and fresh fruit

After dinner I . . . .

sent the boys outside to wash Daddy's bike off and play ball
finished up cleaning the dinner dishes and kitchen
went outside and trimmed all the hedges in front of our house with the electric trimmers
blew off the driveway
intermittently played ball with Zach when my arms needed a rest from trimming bushes
trimmed bushes below Chase's bedroom window with the manual clippers since I didn't want the noise to wake him

After I was done outside I. . . .

came inside to find the two boys eating ice cream in the bath tub
got my shower
brushed Zach's teeth and got him ready for bed
blogged this blog

And now I'm going to go. . . .

get my well deserved full body massage from my loving sweet husband who certainly appreciates all his wife did today.

Did I forget anything? I MUST have forgotten something. . . to tired to think of it right now though.

Good Ol' Lake Ella. . . .

This morning Paul and I decided to take the boys out to breakfast for smiley face pancakes and then to Lake Ella to feed the duckies.  Both boys were excited to go!  They had fun seeing the ducks and turtles and Zachary wanted to feed each and every duck on the property.  After we ran out of bread he gently suggested that we might need to go buy some more since the other ducks were left out and were upset.

While the men had fun with ducks and turtles and climbing trees, etc. I, of course, had fun with my iPhone camera and favorite Instagram app.  Here are my cute results. . .