Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yet Another Sad Goodbye. . . .

Blackjack Coal Birdwell
lovingly called "Pootie"
June 2004 - September 27, 2011

Ok, why is this almost seeming a little too normal to me now?  Oh, yes, it's because I've had to write an animal obituary three times now in the past 4 and a half months.  I always said that this family needed to downsize.  (I was kidding God!) It always took people's breath away when I would tell them I am a mom of two boys, two dogs, two cats, and two frogs.  Now, sadly as of today, we are down to one kitty and two frogs.  I highly doubt that I will write an obituary or shed tears for the frogs so basically we are down to one kitty.

Blackjack Coal Birdwell has had several names in his seven years of life.  It started out with Blackjack.  That got way to cumbersome to say so it was shortened to Jack for a long time.  Then somehow it, and I have no idea how, progressed to Pootie.  Pootie stuck.  He's been Pootie for many many years.  Pootie has been a very different cat.  I've only had two cats in my entire life so I don't have alot of experience but I do have quite abit experience with dogs.  And, Pootie definitely acted more like a dog in some ways than a cat.  He was clumsy, not at all the precise animal like most cats are.  If he tried to jump off a ledge it was always with good luck that he landed.  And, he did not have that prissy, soft, soundless landing like a "real" cat.  He landed with a thud.  He was different, he was very annoying at times, very demanding at times, but very much loved by our family.  Especially Zach.  He and Zach were pretty close.  The one GREAT thing about Pootie was that he was usually always around the kids.  He didn't want them touching him very much (except Zach got to moreso than anyone else) but he wanted to lay around near them, near their toys, and near the action.  Sometimes early in the morning, after I had just picked up toys the night before, I would find odd things that were brought downstairs by Pootie in the middle of the night.  Things like Hot Wheel cars, play food such as pickles, hamburger buns, etc. that would magically appear downstairs.  I sometimes would see him have them in his mouth so I knew it was him.  I have no idea why he felt the need to bring them downstairs while the household was sleeping.

He had a routine definitely.  He was a morning cat for sure.  Every single morning, almost without fail, he would wait for me to get out of the shower and nibble at my ankles as I was trying to carefully apply my makeup for the day.  I was not feeding him fast enough.  He loved us turning on the water in the tub every morning so he could have his own personal waterfall to drink from.  And, if we didn't happen to get out of bed in time he would walk over our bodies while we were sleeping in the hopes of waking us up.  Have you ever had a 17lb. cat walk over you constantly?  Somehow he knew exactly how to push our buttons and somehow he knew which body parts to walk on to cause us the most pain.  

He loved his treats too.  And, he had to be fed at the same times every day.  And, he usually wanted Mom to do it.  Not Paul, just me.  Even if there was food in his bowl he bugged me to death until I put more food in.  I even faked like I put food in his already full bowl sometimes just so he would stop bugging me.  He was a cat with an attitude for sure.  If he didn't get his way, in a timely manner, you would pay for it.  Sometimes big time.  One evening I was working on the computer and he wanted me to feed him.  Stupidly I kept ignoring him.  He then jumped up on my desk and started pacing in front of my computer screen. I still, stupidly, ignored him.  Finally he had enough.  He sprayed my computer screen!  Many of you would have thrown him to the wolves that night but I learned my lesson.  He got fed on time from that point forward.  He definitely knew how to train mom.

He was with us for seven years.  Blue was just about a year and a half when we brought Pootie home.  Usually cats don't immediately warm up to other cats apparently but by the end of the first night they were playing together and sleeping together.  I have such cute videos of them when they were kitties.  They loved each other very much.  I'm sure Blue will miss him terribly.  We will have to give him extra lovin'.

We will all miss Pootie but as I've said many times before. . . as much fun and unconditional love that pets bring us over the course of our lifetime we have to be willing to show them love and respect in the end.  The vet had a sneaking suspicion that he had developed lymphoma by some blood tests that came back.  Lymphoma is quick acting in cats apparently.  I've had two basset hounds die from it and it's not fun to see.  We did not want Pootie to get to the painful stage but instead go peacefully.  So, we said our goodbye's today, as hard as it was.  I also believe that, even if we don't know that they understand it, that it is good to walk through the process with them.  Somehow, as hard as it is, it seems to give you a peace that you have done your best for them and have been there for them like they have been there for you, unconditionally.  So, today, I was the one with him.  I absolutely hated it but I did it for him.  Maybe he's playing with Alex and Jessi now.  I sure hope he's having so much fun.  When I get to Heaven one of the first things I want to know is what REALLY happens to our pets when they leave us.  I know there are much more "important" things that we should be interested in knowing when we get to Heaven but, as an animal lover, I really wish that answer would have been included in the Bible!

Pootie, we will all miss you so much.  Even though you were just a kitty, you were our kitty and brought us years of fun.  We love you.

(Now let's hope this is the LAST animal obituary for a while!  Everyone root for Blue!!!!)

Here are some of my favorite pictures with Pootie. . . 

and my very favorite. 
He was just a few months old here. 
Love you Pootie.

1 comment:

  1. My dear Beth, Paul, Zach, Chase and Blue,
    I was so sorry to learn you had to say goodbye to yet another much loved pet. He was a beautiful cat and looked exactly like Jinks and Jalane's cat "Kitty." They had to say goodbye to her just about a year ago. I cried right along with them. Your family certainly provided a wonderful home for Pootie and I don't doubt for a moment that he's having a great reunion in heaven with Alex and Jessi!

    Hugs to all of you,
    Love, Aunt Di
