Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's beautiful when golden opportunities just fall in your lap. . .

Sometimes you find yourself in the midst of a situation and you secretly wish that you had some sort of recording device so you could treasure the memory forever, or even better,  use it as blackmail material.

On Friday evening I was on the phone talking with my older brother David.  Many of you know him to be the macho, always under control, calm, cool and collected man.  The beautiful conversation that unfolded between us was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.  I absolutely MUST blog.

I actually had called David to tell him that my husband was going to Home Depot after we had dinner and that Paul wanted him to go too.  Being the nice sister I am, and knowing that my sister-in-law and nephew were out of town, leaving my brother alone, I invited him over for dinner.  That is what made the beautiful moment unfold. . .

My brother replied that, while he thanked me for the invite, he had just finished some lasagna that he himself had made.  I was astonished because, even though I knew my brother could dabble in the kitchen if needed, I was under the impression that it was only slow cooker recipes.  In the past we have shared semi-beautiful moments when he has asked me for such recipes.  But, these requests have almost been under duress since he would complain when the recipe called for more than dumping the ingredients in the crock pot, turning it on, and leaving the kitchen.  After swallowing my shock I asked when he decided to cook meals other than crock pot recipes.  It was like I turned the faucet on high.  He began almost gushing.  He proudly told me of some other dishes he could cook and even proceeded to give me the recipes to some off the top of his head!  Among his speciality dishes are Lemon Chicken, Beef Stroganoff, Boston Butt Boneless Pot Roast, Sausage and Egg Casserole, etc.  This beautifulness went on and on for several minutes.  I was listening but not really.  I kept having flashes go through my mind of 1) why can't I get this on a voice recorder?, 2) what has happened to my REAL brother, where is he?  3)  I've got to remember every moment of this conversation so I can BLOG BLOG BLOG!

The truly beautiful moment came when he was talking about the lemon chicken recipe and actually asked me if I thought it would be okay if he stacked the chicken in the crock pot on top of each other.  That way he could cook more chicken at a time and invite us over for dinner.  Just Beautiful.

To end the conversation he told me he had been enjoying learning some recipes from his favorite cookbook. . . The Busy Woman's Slow Cooker Cookbook.

Now, while I realize that I am SO asking for payback big time from my brother (and he is unfortunately extremely good at it) by writing about these moments we shared, I just can't help myself.  Don't you agree?  This was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Love you brother.  When am I invited for dinner?

This is my real brother.  Outside in his wood working shop, late at night, apparently texting after taking a break on the tailgate of his truck.

This, apparently is his new favorite book.  I wonder what he has learned by reading the over 250 short stories and facts about famous and influential women too.

He's been using it so much that my sister-in-law made the book look like this now.

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