Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Teeny Weeny But Oh So Grown Up Big Baby Boy. . .

Chase Parker had his 15 month checkup on Tuesday even though he is not 15 months until the 25th of October.  I strolled in the doc office all relaxed and happy to be there with my baby boy.  Reason for all the relaxing feelings was because I was under the impression that this visit would be shot free.  Uh oh.  Not the case.  I found out quickly that it was a nasty shot visit complete with boosters and a flu shot.  Uugh.  Mood went south quickly.  I've always struggled with shots. . . give them?  not to give them?  I've always decided on the "give them" side but hate the conflict that happens inside of me when the time comes.  While waiting in the office I decided that it was a blessing in disguise that I didn't realize it was shot day.  I would have just worried about it for weeks!

Chase Parker on the other hand never had the mood swing like I did.  He stayed happy as could be the entire visit.  Very flirtatious with the nurses I might add!  Even when shot time came he was brave and only cried for a minute.  By the time I had picked him up he had stopped.  I sarcastically looked at him and told him to give the "bad" nurse a big smile and say thank you.  To my surprise he grinned bigtime at her and waved bye bye.  What a sweet boy.

That was at 9AM on Tuesday.  Things changed by 9AM on Wednesday.  Yesterday, unfortunately, he was stuck to me like glue all day.  He did have a little fever but nothing high.  He just didn't feel good.  Didn't sleep a wink the entire day.  Hopefully since he slept good last night today will be better.  The little man hasn't woken up yet (7:04 AM at the time of this writing) so I'm anxious to see how he is soon.

He received a wonderful report from Dr. Dalrymple which we are always thankful for.  He's growing up so fast.  Current 14 and 1/2 month stats are:

WEIGHT:  24lbs.

HEIGHT:  31 1/2 inches long

The doctor was pleased with his torticollis improvement so I was a happy camper about that.  He said developmentally and physically there are no more signs of preemiehood.  He is at around 16-17 months developmentally now.

Some "highlights" of Chase Parker at 14 and 1/2 months:

- loves pancakes!

- loves anything with wheels.  Studies them intently, watching every wheel turn.  Loves to get on his belly for a good birdseye view of the truck.

- continues to think his big brother rocks!  loves to play with him and be around him.

- loves the bouncehouse!  loves going down the slide head first (drives mom nuts!)

- loves swinging outside and walks around the neighborhood.

- every time he sees me talking on the cell phone he always says "Dada" excitedly.  I guess he thinks I only talk to Daddy on that thing.

- loves his new shoes for walking.

- when he's having lunch and nearing the end he usually starts waving bye bye and looking at me for confirmation.  He gets so happy when I tell him that it is indeed almost time to go pick up brother from school.  He knows our schedule well!

-favorite words are "Dada", "shhhhh", "hush", "ouch", Uh Oh"

-STILL sleeps from about 6PM to 7AM (I just heard him start waking up at 7:07AM now)

-LOVES his Papa and Grammy to death.  Papa is getting a very big head because Chase usually only wants him now when he's around him.

-loves going on the mountain bike trails with Daddy riding in his bike trailer.

-will not sit still to read a book to save his life.  (this is TOTALLY opposite from his brother.  Zach was reading the encyclopedia by this age!)  ;)

- he enjoyed his first haircut and did SO well!  His brother was there as well as Grammy to witness the grand event.  Of course I would only trust my stylist for over 13 years to perform the first cut.  I did save the little curls of course.

- he loves feeding himself.  Does not like being fed by someone particularly.  Of course he has no problem feeding himself the things HE wants to eat but when it comes to what I want him to eat it's a different story all together.  Oh the stages we go through. . .

-loves cuddling.  SUCH a little lover and very flirtatious.

Here are a few pictures of the little but yet very big man (and a few of his big brother that I couldn't resist throwing in!):

Intermission from photos for a cute bouncy house video!!

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