Friday, April 1, 2011

Chase Parker. . . growing up!

My sweet little baby boy recently turned eight months old.  It's really amazing to me how time seems to move so slow some days and then, in the overall picture, really just flies by.  I can still remember being pregnant, still remember being miserable, and still remember when Chase was just a brand spankin' newborn.  He was SO little at 5lbs. when he first arrived.  Now, you just would never guess it.  He weighs 22lbs. 6oz right now.  He has his two middle bottom teeth and his two front top teeth are coming in any day now.  He is healthy as a horse and a very happy little boy.  Our family is very blessed to have him with us.

Here are some pictures I took of him recently.  And a very cute video of him belly laughing with Grammy!

The sweetest little dude. . . 

his Kung Fu move!

Chase adores Grammy!

Belly Laughing is SO cute!!

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