Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Colorful Munchkins. . .

Some days I wonder if I will survive this life of motherhood.   I honestly think I hear "mama" or some form of the word, at least 1000 times daily.  And, when I stop to think that it will soon be doubled when Chase Parker decides to chime in, I definitely consider that I may need a name change.  Keeping up with my colorful munchkins is indeed challenging, but all kidding aside, oh so much fun!  (And by the way, I THINK Chase Parker has said "dada" a couple times in the last day or two so even while I'm "complaining" about hearing my name so many times daily, I was secretly hoping he would say mine first!)

I definitely never thought I was cut out to be a stay at home mom.  And, sometimes I really contemplate going back to work so I can play "adult".  But, I don't contemplate very long.  As long as I am able to be home with them I definitely will be here.  As much as I complain, I really feel I am so blessed to be able to have my stay at home career.  It's challenging but even moreso rewarding to be here with them watching them “up close”.  I know these days are very short and I constantly remind myself to be “present”.  I don't want to miss a thing and as you all know, I definitely don't want my camera to miss a thing.

My boys have just been great fun, especially when I watch them together.  It's so heartwarming to see Chase Parker's face break out into a huge grin when he sees his brother for the first time each morning.  And, it's equally heartwarming to see Zachary stop doing whatever he's doing to go up to Chase and say, "gimme a smile."  Driving in the car, listening to the conversation (Zach talking, Chase squealing) in the backseat is sometimes the highlight of my day.  And, when Chase is fussy in the car sometimes, hearing Zach calm him down is so wonderful.  As much as I sometimes wish for one, there never seems to be a dull moment around here.

Zachary has been keeping me in stitches lately.  He has REALLY been into imaginary friends lately.  It doesn't surprise me since I had a ton of them growing up.  I can't count the times I have had to brush teeth, cook breakfast, put medicine on, dress, or even say goodnight to one of these "friends".  Yesterday I thought I would die from not being able to laugh out loud when this happened:  Zachary, Chase and I were sitting on the floor in a circle.  Chase was happily playing with his toys and Zach and I were playing a game.  All of a sudden Zach reached over and touched Chase's shoulder and looked at me and said, "Mom, this is my new friend John.  Please say hello."  I, fiercely trying to hold back the laughter, calmly said, "hi John" to my second born son.  The truly funny thing happened next when Zach offhandedly replied, "John is busy playing right now so he can't talk."  I gave a knowing nod and then we went back to playing.  What a trip!!! 

Well I could go on all night but I will stop here.  My "time off" to blog is up since I hear Daddy and Zach getting out of their nightly playtime in the bathtub.  Time to go put PJs on Zach and his imaginary friend.  I will leave you with some cute pictures from the day though.  Zachary actually asked me to take some pictures of his trains.  I was happy to oblige of course!


  1. How sweet are the pictures! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!! These boys are precious, and they're growing up so fast!

    Love you all!

  2. I loved this post. It was so REAL and raw. I know you have a tough job, but I know it's rewarding too! :) I love you and the boys so much!

  3. Thank you Mom and Kels! Love you both very much!!
