Sunday, April 3, 2011

Family Fun Filled Weekend. . . and HomeMade Ice Cream For Dessert!

Ah. . . the weekend finally arrived.  Saturday morning came and I woke up bright and early and hit the tennis courts.  Had a pretty good workout and came home to spend the afternoon with my two sweet boys. My "big" boy was going golfing so I had kid duty.  Zach, Chase and I had a fun afternoon together.  It was a wonderful day to play outside.  I discovered that Chase's front top two teeth had come in.  FOUR teeth in one week!  Yeow!

Saturday evening was date night with my sweet hubby.  We enjoyed Outback for dinner and then just spent some time together.  It was wonderful.  Thank you to Grammy for keeping our boys!

This morning we decided to go out for smiley face pancakes and then play at the park.  Chase Parker and Zachary thoroughly enjoyed being outside in the cool morning air.  We came home and let Chase crash for a nap while we went outside to wash the Rover.  Zach had fun riding his F150 and pretending to be a tow truck driver.  He is a trip!!  It was such a beautiful day that we decided to eat lunch out on the porch.  Chase Parker enjoyed swinging and also enjoyed fun with his brother.  It is SO heart warming to see them having fun with each other.  Zach had him belly laughing this afternoon and I caught it on video.

After Zach's nap he enjoyed some time at Grammy and Papa's house.  Of course they had races.  When he got home Daddy had a special surprise for him.  After grilling out burgers we enjoyed home made ice cream that Daddy made for dessert!  Yum! Yum!!

Simply love these spring days when life seems to be so enjoyable.  No mosquitos to bug us (at least for a short window of time), no muggy humidity, just beautiful spring weather!  Even Alex and Jessi enjoyed their day thoroughly just lounging around their yard.  It was a FUN weekend.

Hope you all enjoyed yours too!!

Chase Parker LOVES swinging!!

there goes that thumb in the mouth. . . . 

yummy home made ice cream thanks to Daddy!

even the pups enjoyed their weekend!

sweet Alex!

Brotherly Laughs. . . 

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