Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our National TV Debut. . .

We enjoyed watching our 10 minutes of fame with our family last night.  It was so much fun watching the show! (Well, mostly fun, but a little embarrassing too!)  Zachary was SO adorable as an almost two year old.  It was fun seeing him, especially playing with his trains that he STILL loves so much.

So many people have asked me if we are going to sell our home and move.  Absolutely NO!!  It was just our storyline to get on the show.  Even the producers knew it was just a "storyline".  As I've told many people, it started out as my husband betting me that I couldn't get us on the national tv show.  Well, as of yesterday, I guess I won the bet!  :)

Zachary found it funny watching himself.  I heard him at one point say, "There is baby Zachary!" It's funny how 2 years ago after they were here filming Zach used to ask to watch the home videos of that day over and over and over.  He knew all the crew members by name, knew the realtor, etc.  He LOVED watching those videos.  Now, he doesn't remember that day hardly at all.  I think maybe a few memories crept back in as he watched the show last night.

It was fun having our family over to watch it with us.  We all enjoyed home made ice cream and chocolate chip cookies thanks to my sweet hubby.  Yummy delicious!!  I wish we could have watched it in person with our Tennessee family but it was fun to get all the text messages while they watched.

Here are a few pictures I took last night.  I should be receiving a DVD copy of the show from Pie Town Productions soon.  That will be a fun keepsake!

Zach entertaining everyone before the show!

home made ice cream and cookies! 

our national tv debut. . . 

Paul was disappointed that Kendra didn't do our show!  

we are on the big screen!!

thankfully we got several "up" arrows!

sweet little baby Zach!

ha!  as if I am ever in the kitchen doing this! 

thanks HGTV for giving us a lot of laughs!!


  1. LOVED WATCHING IT!!! You were a natural on the camera! LOVE YOU!

  2. We were disappointed we didn't see the program. When Bob read your email Beth, he said we wouldn't be able to get it. Linda Bloss saw it and the Tennessee folks also, so I should have worked harder to locate it. Anyway, enjoyed hearing about it and seeing your family gathered together for the show.

    Love to all....Aunt Di
