Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Destin Fun Fun and More Fun! (Videos Included!)

We decided to head over to our condo in Destin for Memorial Day weekend.  Paul took Friday off and we left Tally around 9:45AM.  The boys did very well on the ride over.  The time flew by as they were playing happily together in the backseat.  Car rides seem to be much better with two to entertain each other.

I have been looking forward to this trip for awhile.  The last time we were in Destin I was major prego, just a few short weeks before Chase Parker arrived early by surprise.  I, of course, was not the most comfortable in my prego state so I was looking forward to having a fun fun trip this time for sure.

We arrived around lunchtime and got all unpacked.  The Harrell family was joining us later in the day so we were looking forward to their arrival.  Zach could hardly wait to spend a few days with Cooper and Cassidy.

Since I had sold Zach's crib at the condo we had to purchase another one and put it all together for Chase Parker.  Daddy worked on that and before he knew it Chase was snoozing for his afternoon nap.  He didn't seem to mind at all that he was in a closet!  ;)

Zane, Alison, Cooper and Cassidy arrived and we were happy to see them!  The guys decided to head to Publix for our food supplies so Alison and I could relax and take the kids to the pool.  They all had a fabulous time and the weather was perfect.  I am happy to say that the weather was perfect the entire weekend!

After a fun Friday night of the kids playing and adults relaxing we all headed to bed.  We were looking forward to beach day on Saturday!  The next morning arrived and I woke up to see the sunrise peaking through the windows.  Then I heard Chase Parker faintly.  I got up to check on him and bless his heart, he was playing his mobile in his crib.  He had adjusted to his new surroundings so well.  He is a happy baby!  I got him up and brought him in our room to play with Daddy and Zach in bed.

We all headed to the beach after breakfast.  It is so much work to pack for FOUR kids!  Toys, food, towels, camera, surf boards, goggles, umbrella, ice chest, chairs, candy, etc.  Whew!  I was tired before we got there!  It was so fun though.  Chase's first time at the beach!  He was hilarious to watch.  He loved feeling the sand and even tasting it.  At one point he was eating it so we had to put a stop to that.  All the kids had a blast.

Chase lasted a couple of hours and then we headed back to the condo for a much needed nap.  After relaxing there for awhile we headed out for some BBQ at dinner.  Paul and I LOVE Jim and Nick's BBQ in Destin.  YUMMY!!!  On the way to dinner we stopped at a few stores to shop.  That evening Paul and Zane had fun playing pool.  Alison and I stayed up with the kids but finally had to call it quits.  The kids were full of energy but we were pooped!

Sunday we decided we needed to go to the outlet malls for some much needed shopping, right?!  Shopping in Memorial weekend crowds with that many kids can be challenging to say the least.  Especially when one certain baby LOVES to eat and drink bottles constantly.  We had fun though and Paul got some new golf stuff so he was happy.  Seafood was on the menu for dinner.  The Back Porch is always fantastic!  It was a nice ending to a fun filled day.

Monday rolled around and the Harrell Family headed back to Tally.  We decided to stay a little while longer and enjoy the pool and some more shopping.  Zachary LOVED going to the pool.  It was nice to see his fear of the pool gone and replaced with love for the water.  He did flips, practiced his swimming and loved riding around on his Daddy's back.  Chase Parker loved floating around in his float and just chilling.  That evening we had dinner out and then headed back to Tally.  We arrived around midnight so it was a long day for the kids.  They did so well though!  I'm glad they had such a fun time and we are so happy to have been able to share it with our sweet friends, the Harrell's.

Here are a few pictures from our trip.  Of course you can view them all on Facebook.  And, I've added a couple of videos at the bottom.  Hopefully they will work.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. "there will be some gritty poopy tonight!" GROSSSSSS!!! hahahahah

    love the pics! glad yall had fun!
