Sunday, June 5, 2011

One Very Cute, Sweet, Handsome, Adorable, Loveable Baby!

I love this age right now (except for the constant heart failure I have with him getting into stuff he shouldn't!).  He is SUCH a happy go lucky baby.  He wakes up in a wonderful mood every single day.  And, I'm so thankful that he has been a very healthy baby as well.  Only ONE cold that lasted 2 days in his entire ten month life.  What a blessing!  Thank you Jesus!

Today was the first day he pulled himself up to standing all by himself.  He woke up from his nap and called out to get up.  When I went to get him I found him proudly standing and smiling at me!  So adorable and SO proud of himself.  He is growing up so fast.  Unbelieveably fast.

Thought I would share this adorable picture.  I'm sure if you see all my Facebook pictures you can tell I am in love with Instagram pics now!  Who needs my fancy pancy Canon camera when I have an iPhone with a free Instagram app!

Isn't he the CUTEST??

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