Tuesday, June 28, 2011

As Our World Turns. . .

It's been pretty much like a soap opera around here the last few days. . .crazy! More Crazy!

Last Friday I went to my ear doctor since I have been having weird symptoms lately and was long overdue for a cleaning.  Long story short the ear SPECIALIST said I didn't have anything wrong and for me to "try not to think about it for 2-3 weeks and see if it goes away".  A day and a half later I found myself at CHP's Urgent Care being treated for a middle and outer ear infection.  Fun Fun!  Unfortunately I missed my little cousin's 5th birthday party because of this.  Not a happy camper!!

Sunday evening my brother Steve and nephew Kacy arrived from Tennessee.  They came down to celebrate my mom's birthday and then also for  a couple of days of golf with the guys.  As if anything else needed to go wrong in my day the electricity went out!  It went out around 3pm and everyone arrived for the party at 6pm and the lights were out!  So, no pictures of my mom's birthday celebration.  And, yours truly was not in a great frame of mind due to every few seconds sharp pains shooting through my ear.  I kept thinking that if the SPECIALIST really would have done his job I would be well on my way to recovery at that moment.  Oh well.  Even doctors who have gone to school umpteen years, had over 25 years of experience,  are highly skilled surgeons, and filthy rich from their thousands of patients even make mistakes right?  ;)

Anyway, Zachary and Chase LOVED seeing Steve and Kacy.  Zachary has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Uncle Fart as he so lovingly calls Steve.  (As his sister I tend to think it's a very appropriate name!)  They had a blast together.

The power finally came back on around 9:30PM.  Thankfully we didn't have to spend the night hot.  Both kids slept like little champs like they usually do so I guess the day didn't bother them a bit.

Monday rolled around and Zachary had more excitement to look forward to!  His best buddy Drew from school was coming over for a playdate that afternoon.  He could HARDLY wait!  Drew's brother Brady was coming too and Zachary was so excited.  He kept asking me over and over how long it would be until Drew arrived.  So cute.  They did have an awesome time together and I had a wonderful time talking with Erin.  She is awesome to hang out with!  We are coming up with some wonderful photography ideas together.  Can't wait to have some time to put some ideas into action!

After they left for home we had a repeat!  The power went out again.  This time it was out for maybe 3 hours?  Just enough time to ruin plans for dinner!  Uugh.

Today we've actually kept power believe it or not!  Amazing!

The boys and I enjoyed a fun lunch out with Grammy today while the men have had a big time playing golf all day.  Tonight they all went to Tom Brown for disk golf again.  Zachary went with them last night and wanted to go again tonight.  He loves it!

I am enjoying some peace and quiet at home.  I had fun editing some cute pictures that I took of Chase Parker today.  Hard to believe my baby is 11 months old now.

Tomorrow I will have to start getting all the clothes washed and ready for our beach trip this weekend.  We are headed to Destin for the 4th of July.  The boys are looking forward to it and Paul and I are too!  Grandma and Granddaddy are coming with us so we are gonna get a date night together.  YIPPEEE!!!!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week and I hope your world is turning well too.

Of course I couldn't leave you without a couple of cute Chase Parker pics!

1 comment:

  1. awwwwww I LOVE the pics! my favorite is the silly face one! TOO CUTE!!! He is gettin' so big!!! can't wait to see you all whenever that is!!!!!
