Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Special Birthday. . .

Tomorrow is my sweet Mom's birthday.  So, today we decided to get the celebration started!  We invited Mom and Mrs. Dorothy over for lunch and playtime today.  It was a FUN time!

Mom and Mrs. Dorothy have been best friends since before my time.  Mrs. Dorothy (or Mrs. Hanselman as I call her) was my babysitter.  My brothers and I grew up with her kids and she is a part of our family for sure.

Zachary and Chase Parker LOVE Mrs. Dorothy.  She got huge smiles out of both of them today!

To celebrate we decided to have cupcakes for dessert.  Of course this was no problem for Zachary.  He helped Grammy blow out all the candles and helped her open her gifts from Mrs. Hanselman.  One gift was a beach towel!  Mrs. Hanselman gave it to her as a gag gift saying that she could use it when she came swimming at our house.  She sweetly embroidered Grammy's name on the inside too.  So cute!!

We had a great time together.  My kids and I are blessed to have both of these women in our lives.  BUT, we especially celebrate Grammy this weekend!  Her actual birthday is tomorrow like I said, but we are having a party for her on Sunday evening after my brother Steve and nephew Kacy arrive from Tennessee for a short visit.  I'm sure Mom will enjoy sharing her celebration with all three of her kids!


Happy Birthday.  I kind of had to stop typing for a few seconds because I just can't seem to find the words to adequately say how much you mean to me.  You are ALWAYS there for me.  ALWAYS loving me.  ALWAYS supporting me.  ALWAYS lifting my spirits or giving me a break when I'm tired.  You ALWAYS understand me.  I just REALLY don't know what my life would be without you.  Your unconditional love and your life example mean the world to me.  You deserve a Happy Birthday!  You are a wonderful Mom and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

Here are a few cute pics from today. . .


  1. So enjoyed reading about the early birthday party for your mother, dear Beth. Loved the pictures and the precious message you shared. Your mother is a treasure and I have been blessed to call her my "sister-in-love" for nearly 50 years! Hope you have a grand celebration after Steve and Kacy arrive. We sent a card, but it may not arrive until Saturday. Love to all, Aunt Di & family

  2. It took me a moment after I sent you a message to realize it has been over 50 years now that your sweet momma has been my "sister-in-love!" How incredible is that! Love you dearly, Aunt Di

  3. Thank you, Beth, for your sweet words. You are a dear daughter, and I am proud to be your mom!


  4. soooooooo sweet! wish i could be there to celebrate with yall!!

  5. Hi Beth, I didn't see your email address on your blogger profile so I couldn't email you back.

    I host my photos on flickr. When I post them on my blog, I modify the HTML to link to flickr instead.
