Sunday, May 8, 2011

One of My Favorite Days of the Year. . .

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers in my life, but especially to my very own Mom.

I have had a wonderful day so far.  Chase Parker's Dedication was today at our church.  This was very special to our family.  Our church has baby dedications twice per year.  Once in November and then on Mother's Day.  Of course last November Chase was here with us and some people have asked me why he wasn't dedicated then.  Paul and I dedicated Zachary on Mother's Day when he was first born and I always thought that was a very special day to choose.  So, Paul and I wanted to have Chase's today for that very reason.  He was so good during the ceremony!  His Daddy held them the entire time and at one point he reached over and ran his fingers through my hair.  So sweet.  Aunt Deke took some pictures for us so as soon as I get the photos from her I will be sure to post them.

This morning, before church, Zachary and Paul spoiled me.  Zachary had a special handmade card for me that he was so proud of.  Of course I will keep it forever.  It was so cute!  I love the "To Mommy" on the front written by Zach and the train drawings inside are precious.  When Chase Parker woke up he of course gave me a big smile when Daddy told him to tell me Happy Mother's Day.  Then he proceeded to say "Da Da" all day long after that!  I know "Ma Ma" is the last to come.  I'm trying to be patient!

Last night we celebrated with my mom.  David, Deke and Aaron joined us in taking my parents out to dinner.  Now that I am a mother myself I truly do find my own mother so remarkable.  She is just a wonderful example for me.  I don't know how she did it with THREE children and in an era where the men just didn't help much with taking care of the babies.  She is just superwoman to me.  She shows her love for me now by helping ME with motherhood.  It's amazing how she knows what I need even before I ask her sometimes and rushes to my aid.  Whenever I get frustrated with this motherhood job or down in the dumps or tired she always has a positive encouraging word for me.  Mom, I love you so much.  Thank you for loving me and STILL taking good care of me.

After church Paul and Zachary headed out to lunch with his mom.  Zachary was happy to see Grandma and Granddaddy but Chase Parker was worn slam out.  He and I stayed at home while he snoozed for 2 and a half hours.  It was nice to have a little time to myself too.  ;)

Oh, before I forget, I had an awesome time at Zach's school on Friday for the Mother's Day luncheon.  The kids were so cute singing their three sweet songs and then joining all us mom's for a yummy delish lunch.  Thank you TUMC.  You guys are awesome!

Without all three of my sweet boys I could not proudly wear this wonderful title of Mom.

My special treat bag and homemade card from Zachary. . . 

my canvas artwork from my favorite artist Zach. . . presented to me at the Mother's Day luncheon at his school on Friday. . . 


  1. I had a wonderful time last night with your family and David's family. And we were so happy to be able to be at Chase's dedication this morning. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

    Love you much!

  2. Aunt Beth, you look absolutely STUNNING!!!!!!! YOU ARE SOOOOO PRETTY!!! LOVE YOU!!!
