Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Can't Believe He Said That!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sweet neighbor has often told me that I need to publish a book of all the "sayings" that have come out of my son's lips.  Today I am seriously considering it.  This just beats all in my book.

A couple of weeks ago I found what no mother, especially an OCD mom like me, wants to find. . . bugars stuck to the race car bed.  I about DIED.  I found this when Zach was not home but you can be sure we had a lengthly discussion (once I gained my composure) when  he returned.  After that discussion nothing else was said.  I made myself very clear.

Last night as we were brushing teeth I guess he felt the need to clear his conscience about something he had done during nap time earlier.  He tells me this, "Mom, I just want to let you know that I put one, JUST ONE, bugar under my pillow and then I thought about it and put it back in my nose.  So, everything's good mom!"

After he told me this he told me that he needed to blow his nose.

What a life I live!


  1. And that is my grandchild!!! I love him!!


  2. now that is truly priceless...did you about die again? haha


  3. hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOVE IT!!! he is a hoot! :)

  4. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. I applaud Zach for his honesty.
