Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Birthday Wrap Up. . .

Sorry for the delay in posting Chase's birthday party pics. . . I am waaaay behind on family blogging!

Chase did enjoy his party very much.  He was a wild man running around like a chicken with his head cutoff.  When it came time to open gifts he was in the middle of running circles around the kitchen and living room and we could not get him to stop.  He must have run 10 laps!  Eventually he took time to focus and open a few gifts.

When it was cake time he, suddenly, was VERY focused.  After blowing out his No. 2 candle he sat quietly in the dining room stuffing down his cake and homemade ice cream.  He barely made a peep!

Yes, that's right. . . thanks to Grandma Birdwell we enjoyed homemade ice cream and it was yummy delish!

Thanks to all for coming over to help us celebrate.  He is a VERY loved 2 YEAR OLD!!!  Mommy, Daddy, Big Brother Zachary, Bella Kate, and Blue love you Chase Parker!

And now, for the picture that made me audibly gasp when I saw it for the first time.  I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!  Maybe it's because I'm his mom, or maybe you see it too.  The expression on his little, tiny face with the icing and all the mess surrounding him is priceless!  I LOVE IT!!  (thank you bestie for snapping this shot for me!)

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