Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Sad Goodbye. . .

Jessi Anne Birdwell
April 14, 2000 - June 30, 2011

Another sad day. . . Jessi Anne is happily playing with Alex now.  She was our beloved basset hound for over eleven years.  She was with me before Zach, Chase, or even Paul.  I will miss her.

She was diagnosed with glaucoma a couple of years ago and developed blindness in both eyes.  While that didn't seem to bother her much, since bassets are known to heavily rely on their incredible noses, I began noticing in recent days that she didn't seem herself.  As many of you know we recently lost Alex, her mate for almost 10 years, a couple of months ago.  She seemed fine after he died but here lately she has been going downhill.  The last week or so her hips started bothering her too.  No pep in her step and seemed lonely and tired.  I definitely believe they let you know when it's time if you are listening.  Today I was with her every step of the way even as hard as it was for me.  I guess that's just sometimes part of being a mom, even to your pup.

She has enjoyed a wonderful life.  Many people have teased me over the years that I have loved my dogs more than anything else.  She enjoyed an air conditioned shed in the summer and many plush pillows and blankets to keep her warm in the winter with me tucking her in almost every night.  Before I had children she was my child.  Through the years my dogs have brought me much needed stress release and joy in troubled times as well as just pure fun.  I have always been drawn to basset hounds for their comical looks and behavior.  She was one of my favorites!  

It will be an adjustment not having a doggie greet us when we drive up or greet the boys and me when we come back from morning walks.  For as long as I can remember I've always had a dog to care for.  Now we are down to two cats and two frogs!

I'm thankful that God cares about anything that we care about, no matter how big or small.  I just hope we can do a good job fielding the many many questions our inquisitive Zachary will ask.  And I REALLY wish we really knew what happens to animals after they die.  Oh how I wish I knew that, especially for Zach's sake.

Love you so very much Jessi Anne!  You brought so much joy to us over the years.  We will miss you.  I hope you and Alex are having a wonderful time together.  I'm sure you are bossing him around already.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

As Our World Turns. . .

It's been pretty much like a soap opera around here the last few days. . .crazy! More Crazy!

Last Friday I went to my ear doctor since I have been having weird symptoms lately and was long overdue for a cleaning.  Long story short the ear SPECIALIST said I didn't have anything wrong and for me to "try not to think about it for 2-3 weeks and see if it goes away".  A day and a half later I found myself at CHP's Urgent Care being treated for a middle and outer ear infection.  Fun Fun!  Unfortunately I missed my little cousin's 5th birthday party because of this.  Not a happy camper!!

Sunday evening my brother Steve and nephew Kacy arrived from Tennessee.  They came down to celebrate my mom's birthday and then also for  a couple of days of golf with the guys.  As if anything else needed to go wrong in my day the electricity went out!  It went out around 3pm and everyone arrived for the party at 6pm and the lights were out!  So, no pictures of my mom's birthday celebration.  And, yours truly was not in a great frame of mind due to every few seconds sharp pains shooting through my ear.  I kept thinking that if the SPECIALIST really would have done his job I would be well on my way to recovery at that moment.  Oh well.  Even doctors who have gone to school umpteen years, had over 25 years of experience,  are highly skilled surgeons, and filthy rich from their thousands of patients even make mistakes right?  ;)

Anyway, Zachary and Chase LOVED seeing Steve and Kacy.  Zachary has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Uncle Fart as he so lovingly calls Steve.  (As his sister I tend to think it's a very appropriate name!)  They had a blast together.

The power finally came back on around 9:30PM.  Thankfully we didn't have to spend the night hot.  Both kids slept like little champs like they usually do so I guess the day didn't bother them a bit.

Monday rolled around and Zachary had more excitement to look forward to!  His best buddy Drew from school was coming over for a playdate that afternoon.  He could HARDLY wait!  Drew's brother Brady was coming too and Zachary was so excited.  He kept asking me over and over how long it would be until Drew arrived.  So cute.  They did have an awesome time together and I had a wonderful time talking with Erin.  She is awesome to hang out with!  We are coming up with some wonderful photography ideas together.  Can't wait to have some time to put some ideas into action!

After they left for home we had a repeat!  The power went out again.  This time it was out for maybe 3 hours?  Just enough time to ruin plans for dinner!  Uugh.

Today we've actually kept power believe it or not!  Amazing!

The boys and I enjoyed a fun lunch out with Grammy today while the men have had a big time playing golf all day.  Tonight they all went to Tom Brown for disk golf again.  Zachary went with them last night and wanted to go again tonight.  He loves it!

I am enjoying some peace and quiet at home.  I had fun editing some cute pictures that I took of Chase Parker today.  Hard to believe my baby is 11 months old now.

Tomorrow I will have to start getting all the clothes washed and ready for our beach trip this weekend.  We are headed to Destin for the 4th of July.  The boys are looking forward to it and Paul and I are too!  Grandma and Granddaddy are coming with us so we are gonna get a date night together.  YIPPEEE!!!!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week and I hope your world is turning well too.

Of course I couldn't leave you without a couple of cute Chase Parker pics!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Special Birthday. . .

Tomorrow is my sweet Mom's birthday.  So, today we decided to get the celebration started!  We invited Mom and Mrs. Dorothy over for lunch and playtime today.  It was a FUN time!

Mom and Mrs. Dorothy have been best friends since before my time.  Mrs. Dorothy (or Mrs. Hanselman as I call her) was my babysitter.  My brothers and I grew up with her kids and she is a part of our family for sure.

Zachary and Chase Parker LOVE Mrs. Dorothy.  She got huge smiles out of both of them today!

To celebrate we decided to have cupcakes for dessert.  Of course this was no problem for Zachary.  He helped Grammy blow out all the candles and helped her open her gifts from Mrs. Hanselman.  One gift was a beach towel!  Mrs. Hanselman gave it to her as a gag gift saying that she could use it when she came swimming at our house.  She sweetly embroidered Grammy's name on the inside too.  So cute!!

We had a great time together.  My kids and I are blessed to have both of these women in our lives.  BUT, we especially celebrate Grammy this weekend!  Her actual birthday is tomorrow like I said, but we are having a party for her on Sunday evening after my brother Steve and nephew Kacy arrive from Tennessee for a short visit.  I'm sure Mom will enjoy sharing her celebration with all three of her kids!


Happy Birthday.  I kind of had to stop typing for a few seconds because I just can't seem to find the words to adequately say how much you mean to me.  You are ALWAYS there for me.  ALWAYS loving me.  ALWAYS supporting me.  ALWAYS lifting my spirits or giving me a break when I'm tired.  You ALWAYS understand me.  I just REALLY don't know what my life would be without you.  Your unconditional love and your life example mean the world to me.  You deserve a Happy Birthday!  You are a wonderful Mom and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

Here are a few cute pics from today. . .

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Playing Photographer. . .

Another photoshoot!  This time with a sweet mom and her one year old.  Ethan was adorable!!  We met up at Tom Brown Park and had a great time.  Ethan was SO good.  It's a nice change of pace for me.  I'm thoroughly enjoying my hobby. . . .

Here are a few pics from the shoot.  You may see more pics on my facebook page or my photography blogsite at

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Touring Grassroots America. . . One Train Depot At A Time!

Yes people we did it again.  I'm thinking this trip was the last one of the summer though.  Somehow my father and son talked me into ANOTHER train adventure.  The destination was Adel, Georgia and the surrounding little tiny towns.

I was happy to hear that Adel was only a measly 60 miles away.  In my mind we would be getting home at a decent hour and it would be a cake walk compared to the normal 400 mile day excursions my son is used to taking.

Thursday morning Papa picked us up in Mr. Honda and off we went.  Grammy was staying with Chase so I could "enjoy" myself.  My father had told me that he of course, had contacted someone in Adel and found out that this town had "consistent" train activity.  Its main lines are apparently Norfolk Southern and CSX.  So, off we went.

Of course we went through the familiar towns of Monticello and Quitman on the way.  We finally arrived in Adel and my father successfully found the train "depot" that supposedly had consistent activity.  We got out and walked around the 8x10 shed (ok, I'm exaggerating but not much!) and found it locked with no one home.  There were some interesting signs though (see pictures below).  Just then Zachary excitedly screamed, "Papa!  The crossarms are coming down!"  We couldn't see the crossarms from where we were standing but sure enough we followed the sounds and there was a choo choo coming.  That boy knows his sounds!  Now, let me define "choo choo coming".  It was two small local cars going about five miles an hour doing work on the track.  But, nevertheless, Zachary LOVED it.  After that short but exciting moment there was nothing. . . dead. . . nada. . . nothing.  NO consistent train activity.  Not sure WHO my father spoke to.

The day was fun and at some points very interesting.  My most memorable chuckle moments were when we left Adel and their "train depot" Zachary says to me, "But Mom, why are we leaving?  We were suppose to go to the train depot."  Poor thing, I had to explain that the hour we spent at the 8x10 shed doing practically nothing WAS the depot.  Bless his heart.

Among other amusing things. . . you never know what you will find in an open field all by itself near a train track. . . a red velvet couch.  Oh, I did see a real estate business named "Burwell Properties".  Interesting.  And, there is a Valdosta sign that I will never forget.  The name of this tattoo parlor that was advertising was "Ink Addiction Tattoo Parlor".  I guess that's an appropriate name.  Another interesting business I saw was a small very old shack that said "Smokehouse and Wild Game Processing Plant".  My favorite gas station along the way was "Kwickie Mart".

It was a fun day in (let me see if I can name all the towns) Monticello, Quitman, Adel (formerly named Puddleville), HaHira, Valdosta, and Greenville.  Here are some pictures from our adventure.   I guess all that matters is that my little boy and Papa had a FANTASTIC time together.  As they always do.  I love them both very much.

Old firetruck at the Adel "Train Depot"

Burwell Properties!

Zach is pooped out!

you just never know. . . 

Tallahassee Motor Hotel sign found in Greenville.

My little stud. . . 

At the "Train Depot" in Adel

Odd sign. . . 

They had fun!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Plan For The Summer. . .

Lots of playdates!
Sandbox fun!
Getting sweaty, dirty, and hot!
Olly Wallies!
Tom Brown Park!
Destin Trips!
Gym Class!
Reading Books!
Wagon Rides!
Walks in the shade hopefully!
Cooking together!
Playdough Fun!
Fun with Grandparents!
Lunch with Daddy!
Art projects!
BBQ parties!
Chase's FIRST Birthday party!!
Jacksonville Zoo!
Wild Adventures!

Any other ideas??????

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

13 weeks. . . Longer Locks!

I've survived 13 weeks of growing my hair out!

It is SO thick and takes much longer to blowdry and much longer to shampoo.  And, I actually have to use conditioner now.  But, it will be nice to have a change when it grows out.  I'm thinking I will grow it out in long layers to around chin length.

I'm updating the Longer Locks Lookout slideshow on the right column of the blog.  Will update again in about 4-6 weeks.

Wish me luck in hanging in there throughout the summer. . .