Jessi Anne Birdwell
April 14, 2000 - June 30, 2011
Another sad day. . . Jessi Anne is happily playing with Alex now. She was our beloved basset hound for over eleven years. She was with me before Zach, Chase, or even Paul. I will miss her.
She was diagnosed with glaucoma a couple of years ago and developed blindness in both eyes. While that didn't seem to bother her much, since bassets are known to heavily rely on their incredible noses, I began noticing in recent days that she didn't seem herself. As many of you know we recently lost Alex, her mate for almost 10 years, a couple of months ago. She seemed fine after he died but here lately she has been going downhill. The last week or so her hips started bothering her too. No pep in her step and seemed lonely and tired. I definitely believe they let you know when it's time if you are listening. Today I was with her every step of the way even as hard as it was for me. I guess that's just sometimes part of being a mom, even to your pup.
She has enjoyed a wonderful life. Many people have teased me over the years that I have loved my dogs more than anything else. She enjoyed an air conditioned shed in the summer and many plush pillows and blankets to keep her warm in the winter with me tucking her in almost every night. Before I had children she was my child. Through the years my dogs have brought me much needed stress release and joy in troubled times as well as just pure fun. I have always been drawn to basset hounds for their comical looks and behavior. She was one of my favorites!
It will be an adjustment not having a doggie greet us when we drive up or greet the boys and me when we come back from morning walks. For as long as I can remember I've always had a dog to care for. Now we are down to two cats and two frogs!
I'm thankful that God cares about anything that we care about, no matter how big or small. I just hope we can do a good job fielding the many many questions our inquisitive Zachary will ask. And I REALLY wish we really knew what happens to animals after they die. Oh how I wish I knew that, especially for Zach's sake.
Love you so very much Jessi Anne! You brought so much joy to us over the years. We will miss you. I hope you and Alex are having a wonderful time together. I'm sure you are bossing him around already.