Monday, May 21, 2012

Graduation Day for Zachary. . .

I remember the day I first visited Trinity United when Zachary was almost three years old.  From the first time I walked in the doors I liked it.  And, now, after 2 years there, I love it.  Paul and I have never for one second questioned our decision to enroll there.  Zachary has loved it too.  I truly think Trinity is a one of a kind.

Yesterday we attended Zach's Pre-K Graduation ceremony.  Like I've said before, events like this are bittersweet.  I talk the big talk about how I can't wait for the day when these rugrats are out of my house and I have my husband all to myself again but you all know that is just talk.  Reality is very different.  I realize I have a LONG way to go but somehow, even just a Pre-K graduation, makes a parent sad because we know that it is just one event closer to the day when our kids won't need us like they do now and will live independently.  So, yes, I had that thought cross my mind yesterday but, thankfully, during the ceremony I just teared up once or twice and kept it all together.  It was a special day and we are SO very proud of our firstborn.

During the ceremony, Mrs. Duclos, Zach's teacher, had each child come up to the microphone and have a "conversation" with her.  She would ask them questions about their year, what they wanted to be when they grew up, etc.  I didn't realize that this was part of the program - Zachary kept this under wraps well!  So, I was really anxious to hear what he would have to say.  When it was his turn he did great.  He told everyone what school he will be attending next year, told us some of his favorite things about this school year and when asked what he wanted to do when he grew up he responded, "help my daddy in his business".  Paul told me later that he about broke out in tears.  It was SO adorable to hear him say that while looking right at his Daddy.  It's kind of strange though because Paul has not and never would try to influence Zachary to follow in his business footsteps unless he really showed interest on his own to do so.  He wants him to make his own decision and do what's best for himself.  But, it was interesting to hear Zach say that.

Grammy, Papa, Uncle David, Aunt Deke, and Aaron enjoyed the program with us.  It was really cute!  Even the part where the entire audience had to sing and do the motions to Father Abraham.  Hilarious!  Hopefully soon I will post some video.  But, for now, enjoy some pictures. . .

We love our little boy SO much!  Daddy and I are very proud of you Zachary Thomas!!!

Chase Parker and Brady providing the pre-ceremony entertainment!


the wonderful Mrs. Duclos!


Zachary and his friends have "bubbles" in their mouths.  That's what Mrs. Duclos asks them to do when they are needing to be quiet and respectful.  I should try that at home!  


Singing their adorable songs. . . 




Graduation time - the cap and tassle is on. . . 



his "conversation" with Mrs. Duclos




Zach's best buddy Drew has his "conversation" time. . . 


and now Logan. . . 



Officially Graduated!!
(isn't that the sweetest smile on the cutest kid ever?!?!?)





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