Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm Getting A Sneaking Suspicion. . .

that SOMEONE is getting tired of having their furry body and cute, adorable face photographed.  Look at the faces she is giving me!!!

She's saying, "Mother! Again?"


"Really?  MUST you?"


"You are STILL here?"


"Mother, I beg of you. . . stop with the pictures!"


The girl is just hilarious and puts up with me so well. . . even when I do this:

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and I didn't even let her have a donut.

On to other family news. . . we are looking forward to the weekend!  After a week of all of us being under the weather we are glad to be on the mend again.  Zachary finished his first T-ball season and is one proud puppy of his new trophy (even though a piece broke off - a little glue is needed!).

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The boys have been having fun together. . . even while not feeling the best.  

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And Chase Parker even went to school one day recently!  Mrs. Duggar from Zach's school offered to let Chase visit for the day to start easing him into school life that will start in August.  I jumped at the chance.  A little nervous about how it would go, but definitely excited to see what would happen.  Mrs. Duggar took him to his class and I followed behind.  When he walked in he didn't shed one tear.  He turned to me and I told him bye bye and that was that!  He did great all day and had a blast playing.  Here he is walking in to school with his big brother.  They were walking hand in hand headed to the door and that was the picture I was hoping for.  At the last second Chase Parker let go of his hand and turned around to find me so this is what I got. . still adorable!

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Mrs. Duggar was sweet enough to send me this pic during the day.  Chase is going to LOVE it there in August!  I wonder if TUMP will survive him?

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Paul has been keeping very busy at work but also having the time of his life building his new RC Rascal 110.  His RC club is having a Fly Fest tomorrow out at their field.  The maiden flight for the Rascal was this evening and it was a gorgeous flight.  This sucker is decked out!  With a 9 ft. wing span she is pretty big and she definitely looks ready for tomorrow.  The boys and I will have a great time I'm sure.  They will be serving hamburgers and hot dogs so come on out and enjoy.  If you need info on when and where just email or call me.  Here is a little video:

I forgot to include this graduation program in my Graduation post recently.  It was too cute not to include so here it is.  I thought it was such a great memory for all the graduating kids to sign their names.  SO adorable!!

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And, finally. . . a mom update. . . I have been keeping extremely busy between sickly kiddos, me having a cold, doctor appts, school events, helping out at our gym, and photoshoots out the wazoo!  I can't complain though. . . I am having SO much fun.  And, I'm feeling much more organized these days.  I bought myself this ridiculously cool daily system for my office.  I now have NO sticky notes all over the house and no stress about "am I forgetting something?". I love this new system. . . and, I'm sure it will come in even more handy next August when Chase is in school and Zach is in Kindergarten and I am juggling more photography work.  Even now though it brings a much needed sense of organization to my life.  And, I can thank my bestie yet again.  She has the BEST ideas and uses the COOLEST products so I would be foolish not to copy her. . . I just can't help myself!

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Ok, I mentioned photoshoots. . . I'm keeping the majority of pictures under wraps to be seen only when my new website is unveiled in a few short weeks.  But. . . I can't help myself. . . here are just a couple cute shots that I will leave you with.




Happy Weekend everyone!  Enjoy yours.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Graduation Day for Zachary. . .

I remember the day I first visited Trinity United when Zachary was almost three years old.  From the first time I walked in the doors I liked it.  And, now, after 2 years there, I love it.  Paul and I have never for one second questioned our decision to enroll there.  Zachary has loved it too.  I truly think Trinity is a one of a kind.

Yesterday we attended Zach's Pre-K Graduation ceremony.  Like I've said before, events like this are bittersweet.  I talk the big talk about how I can't wait for the day when these rugrats are out of my house and I have my husband all to myself again but you all know that is just talk.  Reality is very different.  I realize I have a LONG way to go but somehow, even just a Pre-K graduation, makes a parent sad because we know that it is just one event closer to the day when our kids won't need us like they do now and will live independently.  So, yes, I had that thought cross my mind yesterday but, thankfully, during the ceremony I just teared up once or twice and kept it all together.  It was a special day and we are SO very proud of our firstborn.

During the ceremony, Mrs. Duclos, Zach's teacher, had each child come up to the microphone and have a "conversation" with her.  She would ask them questions about their year, what they wanted to be when they grew up, etc.  I didn't realize that this was part of the program - Zachary kept this under wraps well!  So, I was really anxious to hear what he would have to say.  When it was his turn he did great.  He told everyone what school he will be attending next year, told us some of his favorite things about this school year and when asked what he wanted to do when he grew up he responded, "help my daddy in his business".  Paul told me later that he about broke out in tears.  It was SO adorable to hear him say that while looking right at his Daddy.  It's kind of strange though because Paul has not and never would try to influence Zachary to follow in his business footsteps unless he really showed interest on his own to do so.  He wants him to make his own decision and do what's best for himself.  But, it was interesting to hear Zach say that.

Grammy, Papa, Uncle David, Aunt Deke, and Aaron enjoyed the program with us.  It was really cute!  Even the part where the entire audience had to sing and do the motions to Father Abraham.  Hilarious!  Hopefully soon I will post some video.  But, for now, enjoy some pictures. . .

We love our little boy SO much!  Daddy and I are very proud of you Zachary Thomas!!!

Chase Parker and Brady providing the pre-ceremony entertainment!


the wonderful Mrs. Duclos!


Zachary and his friends have "bubbles" in their mouths.  That's what Mrs. Duclos asks them to do when they are needing to be quiet and respectful.  I should try that at home!  


Singing their adorable songs. . . 




Graduation time - the cap and tassle is on. . . 



his "conversation" with Mrs. Duclos




Zach's best buddy Drew has his "conversation" time. . . 


and now Logan. . . 



Officially Graduated!!
(isn't that the sweetest smile on the cutest kid ever?!?!?)





Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Giddyup Cowboy!!

One of Zach's classmates turned the big 5 this past weekend and we helped him celebrate.  The party was held at Happy Trails Ranch.  I told Zach that there would be tractor rides and horse rides and he gave me that skeptical look.  Of course he told me 15 million times over the few days leading up to the party that he was "not gonna get on a horse."  I, secretly, was hoping he would change his mind.

And, he did.  He got on a horse.  Twice.  He loved it!  Here are the pictures to prove it:

I think the cats name was Barney - amazing that they could teach a cat tricks!
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the Poodles were awesome!
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Yep. . . he's on a horse!
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Drew getting ready to ride!
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Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh the love of a woman. . .


Thursday, May 3rd was a day that was exciting, yet sad in a way.  Paul and I took Zachary Thomas to K-5 Orientation at his new school.  In some ways I look forward to him starting Kindergarten but in other ways I dread it.  I guess that is a common feeling among us parents. . . for the rest of our lives.  Most things regarding our children and their milestones are bittersweet.  I guess it never matters how old they are because I know my mom and dad still feel the same way about me.

I was a little uptight that morning at breakfast because I knew that Zachary was nervous.  He has not been thrilled at the prospect of leaving his wonderful school Trinity for a brand new school he knows nothing about.  He is a child that is slow to change.  (hmmmm. . . wherever could he get that from?)  And, knowing that my child is nervous makes me nervous.  I so wanted him to look forward to this and not be scared.

So, after a family breakfast and dropping off Bella at the spa and Chase Parker at Grandma's, we headed to Chaires.  Zachary didn't say much on the ride. . . neither did I.  We pulled in and walked up to the school, opened the door and immediately his eyes got bright and a huge grin broke out on his face.  There before him, in line for registration, was his girlfriend from Pre-K!  Cheyanne!!  I don't know who was happier. . . me or Zach. . . or Daddy that we both were ok now.  They ran up to each other and immediately were stuck together like glue.  Her mom told me that she had been a little apprehensive too.  It worked out great!  They sat right by each other during the introduction of the principal, teachers, etc. and when it was time to go on a tour, happily ran off together leaving their parents in the dust.  We toured the classrooms, saw the playground, met lots of people, etc.  It turned out to be a very fun time.

I thought to myself as I was leaving and Zachary was chattering up a storm about Cheyanne being at his new school, "oh the love of a woman changes everything!"  As much as men complain about us they know we make it all right with the world.  Definitely!!

Now, as a side note, Cheyanne has been his constant throughout the year except for one week.  He came home one day and told us at dinner that Cheyanne was no longer his girlfriend.  He told us that she ran him over on the playground.  I said, "well it was an accident, right?"  He replied yes.  But he was still very adamant that she was not going to be his girlfriend.  The next week they were back together.  (oh the love of a woman!)

He is SO excited about Kindergarten now. . . he can't wait!  And, hopefully they will be able to be in the same classroom together.  We are blessed to have connections there so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works out.  Nevertheless I know he will learn to love his new school even though he will miss Trinity.  I keep reminding him that since Chase Parker will be attending Trinity, he will still be able to visit Mrs. Duclos sometimes.

It's just hard to imagine that I am a week away from photographing him in a cap and gown for his Pre-K graduation and a few short months away from his first day of Kindergarten.  Whew, I'm tearing up just writing about it!  From a woman who never had one second of maternal longing at all and most likely would have gone through life happy as can be married without kids, I guess I've come a long way!

I guess that would be all because of the love of a man.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Remember Me?

Wow, I just looked at how long it's been since my last blog entry.  So sad.  I don't think I've ever gone this long.  A whole month!  I have had good intentions to sit down and catch my blog up but with all that I have had on my plate lately it just never materialized until now.  I have SO much to do but I am forcing myself to put this first tonight.  I have so much to catch up on!  Let's see. . . where to begin. . . since it's almost Mother's Day let's start with an update on my boys.

Chase Parker. . . has been a source of great joy lately and also great stress.  I considered writing a letter to him and posting it on the blog to let him read it 20 years from now and feel terrible about what he's put me through lately but I've decided not too.  I'm going to try to give him a break.

I love this shirt he has. . . he is definitely an original individual for sure!  I'll tell you a little about what's been going on. . .


The child is not a good eater to put it mildly.  No, that's not really correct.  I guess I should say that differently.  The child is not a healthy eater.  I have struggled and struggled and struggled to get him to eat veggies, fruits, anything under the sun that is healthy.  I have met my match with stubbornness.  He has this insane attraction to any foods that crunch.  He loves every cracker known to man, every chip (even the "healthier" chips), basically anything that makes a sound when he bites down on it.  I have successfully gotten him to eat SOME healthy foods but it was only through extreme measures.  The extreme measures take a very bad toll on my mental state of mind.  And, on top of his eating issues he has the "mommy do not take your eyeballs off me" syndrome something FIERCE!  I cannot even move around my home freely.  In this picture below he actually IS eating apple slices but they must be laced with chocolate and peanut butter.  


I have tried everything I know to do to get him to "unlove" me just a little bit.  I am much more popular with him than I need to be!  If I'm in the house he wants me to be looking at him, talking to him, holding him, etc.  I can't do laundry, I can't cook, I can't even pee.  It's become unbearable at times.  The other day Paul came home from work to find all three of us (me, Zach and Chase) crying.  I remember Zach going through this stage but I am WAY older now and can't handle it as well.


Last week, my best friend would call in and check up on me. . . I definitely was on the brink.  In fact, she thought it appropriate to purchase this for me. . .


I LOVED IT!!  It was just the humor break I needed.  I guess the only reason I have survived lately with Chase Parker is the love of my wonderful husband, my compassionate bestie, and grandma's that have come to my rescue.  Without these people I would have definitely been in search of an extremely tall cliff to hurl my body off of.  And, as stressful as the little guy has been lately, he is so freakin' cute when he gives kisses.  He LOVES giving kisses now and when he wraps his little arms around my neck, puts his hands on my face and plants a big smackeroo on my lips and looks at me with SUCH love and adoration I know that I can face at least one more day of this.  So. . . onward I go!  I keep telling myself eventually he will get over this and be a teenager locked away in his room refusing to talk to me.  Sad!!

And now the other boy. . . Zachary has been LOVING t-ball.  He has had a blast with his best friend Drew playing with the Mets.  His last game will be the end of this month and I know he will be sad.  It's been a wonderful experience for him.  He is also looking forward to summertime.  We have some awesome camps planned and hope to get in a couple family trips.  I can't believe school is almost out for the year and next Sunday I will be photographing my little boy in a cap and gown for his Pre-K graduation.  Wow.


He's been having tons of fun running his trains at the Antique Car Museum.  His best buds Drew and Brady go with him and all the boys love it.


I went in the laundry room the other day and found Zachary's two ducks in here like this.  I thought it was hilarious so I grabbed my iPhone.


And recently I went to Destin to visit my niece Kelsey who was vacationing with her college friends.  I had a great time with them taking photos too!  Zachary and my brother David went with me and they, of course, were in heaven.  Zachary was SO shy around the girls. . . they thought he was so adorable.  He started warming up to them at the beach. . . they all helped him build sand castles.  It was a FUN day.


And, this past Friday was the annual Mother's Day luncheon at Zach's preschool.  Every child filled out this "survey" on their mother.  Hilarious!  I especially love that he said I was "probably 18 years old."  Yeowwww!!  I'll take 18 any day!!


And speaking of age. . . someone reminded me lately that I haven't even updated the blog with stories of my 40 birthday!  I'm so sorry. . . I guess in my old age and super busy schedule I forgot.  It was an awesome birthday despite having to tell the world that I am 40 now.  My husband surprised me by scheduling a hot air balloon ride.  Unfortunately the morning of my birthday rolled around and it was terrible weather.  After being spoiled all day though we were driving home that night and noticed a hot air balloon at the Antique Car Museum!  They were giving tethered rides.  So, technically I did take a hot air balloon ride on my birthday. . . just not the one planned.  We actually scheduled the ride with my best friend and her husband for the next day (that Sunday) and the weather STILL would not cooperate.  Apparently, the weather has to be PERFECT, in order for a hot air balloon to be able to go up.  We are STILL waiting on the ride.  I can't blame the weather though. . . it's just been nuts finding the time to do it.  We will soon though and I can't wait!


Another to die for gift that I received for my 40th is my Clarisonic Mia.  Oh wow.  What a WONDERFUL little treat to have every day.  Ladies. . . I highly recommend it.  My face has never felt so good.  Thank you to my sweet bestie!  This thing is sooooo nice.  It cleans and exfoliates your skin and makes you feel like a million bucks.  Get one!


Well, my blogging time is almost coming to an end. . . I've tried to update a little at least.  I have SO many pictures from recent photoshoots to edit that it's not even funny.  I have had so much photography fun though lately.   I have hired an awesome graphic designer and hope to launch my new website in a few short coming months.  When Chase Parker starts school in August I hope to have much more time to devote to my passion.  So. . . big news on this to come soon!

Well, I better get out of here.  Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms out there!  I plan to be celebrating tomorrow with my sweet hubby and boys but also with the most wonderful mom in the whole wide world!