Monday, March 19, 2012

Don't You Need An Update???

It's been busy around here. . . I just don't have the time to blog as much as I want to.  Of course I like updating all of you guys but my real reason for blogging is to document our family life for my children.  I love the idea of them having tons of these blogger books to read when they are old and grey.  So, we need to catch them and you up on what's been going on around here!

First of all, it was Cowboy Day at school recently.  I have one very handsome cowboy if I do say so myself.  Take a look. . .


He was excited that his Daddy gave him his old Blackberry to have so he was "texting" away in true modern cowboy style.


The kids had a blast at school celebrating.  They had a real cowboy lunch of hot dogs, baked beans, veggies, and baked chips.  Yummy delish.  They all were so cute in their getups.  Here is a class picture I took while I was there. . .


Now, onto other news. . . Zach was on Sprout TV!!  I completely forgot that I had submitted a picture online to Sprout TV for his birthday.  Sometimes he watches the Goodnight Show so I was hoping they would pick his picture to include in their daily birthday wishes or at least choose his name to send across the screen.  I submitted this a few days before his birthday but then forgot to check the DVR to see if he had been chosen until several days after his birthday.  To our surprise he made it!  Check it out. . . 


and here is the short video clip:

Zachary thought that was super duper cool!!

And now T Ball. . . Zachary is loving it!  But, even more so, Papa is loving it.  I was driving a few days ago on my way to take Zach to school one morning.  The phone rang and it was Papa.  Not unusual since he usually calls an average of at least three times per day.  When I answered he told me that he was hoping to get the phone number of Zach's T Ball coach.  I know my father and knew that there was no way I was letting him call the Coach.  I didn't even want to know why. . . I just said NO!  He then went on to plead his case and told me that he wanted to find out the EXACT equipment they were using at practices so he could purchase this for Zachary and him to practice with.  I again, said no.  If I would have given him the phone number I can just imagine that coach getting an average of three calls a day!!!  Later on that afternoon I was driving yet again, on my way to pick up Zach from school. Another call came in. . . it was Papa.  Surprised?  Not I.  He let me know that there is more than one way to skin a cat.  He told me that he called Tallahassee Parks & Rec and got the information he needed.  He then proceeded to tell me that all the equipment needed (exact tee, exact bat, exact ball) was at Sports Authority.  He was wondering if Zachary could go with him that afternoon to pick everything up.  I JUST about had a fit.  Then I stopped myself.  My father is retired.  He does not have kids at home.  His joy comes through things like this.  So, I did not have a fit for very long before I decided to give my father my blessing.  So. . . now they practice almost every day and Zachary AND Papa love it.  I am planning to take photos and videos of their practices soon.  I'm glad they have this to share with each other and, admittedly, I have seen significant improvement in Zach's ability.  So, I humbly thank my father (even though he can drive me nuts!).  (Love you Daddy.)

Here are a few pics from T Ball practices so far. . . I can't wait for the games to begin!!!



Coach Papa looks on. . . 


A short video. . .

And finally, I couldn't resist. . . a "professional" picture of Zach's first pair of cleats.
So. Freakin. Cute.


Ok, we are  nearing the end of news. . . a few more things:

1)  Chase Parker is cutting teeth galore.  BLESS. MY. HEART.  Pray that the teeth HURRY UP!

2)  We are getting ready to head to Lego Land and SeaWorld this week.  Hopefully Chase Parker's teeth will be in and he will feel better and our trip will go smoothly.  I am excited to go even though I know Paul and I will be dead tired.  This will be the first time Bella will be without us.  Sad.  My nephew will be doggie and kitty sitting for us thankfully though.  

3)  I had a terrific photoshoot today with my sweet Zachary.  I took his five year pictures and they turned out pretty good.  More on that tomorrow!!

4)  I leave you with a few random photos to enjoy. . . . 

Spring has sprung at the Birdwell Abode!!  The yard is looking so pretty.

(admittedly I did do a teeny weeny bit of photoshopping on the azaleas where they were bare!)





OK. . . a SNEAK PREVIEW. . . is this not one handsome dude????  Love. Him.
All photos will be posted tomorrow for sure.


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