You really
can teach an old dog (me) new tricks. I found that out this weekend. More on that later in the blog.
Zachary and I invited his best friend Drew and his mom Erin for a beach getaway weekend. After school last Friday we drove to Destin to start our fun. Erin spoiled us and brought along homemade spaghetti and meatballs with all the trimmings (including brownies, YUM.) for our first night's dinner. When we arrived at the condo, we got groceries at a nearby Publix, heated up dinner and put our luggage away while the boys played. They had a bedroom all to themselves and, after a fun bath, it was so cute to see them snuggled up together. They loved it.
The next morning we took a tour of the grounds and both of us had our cameras in tow. Erin has recently gotten into photography big time. I thought this weekend might be good practice for both of us and a good time for me to get her shooting in Manual mode. We were hoping the boys would be good models for us. . . once in a while it worked out while other times we could tell we shouldn't even try. The walk was cold and very breezy. As the boys were playing near the pond suddenly I saw a look of big time concern on Erin's face. I looked over and saw that she was looking at Drew's shoe floating in the water. (see video clip below!) That boy is hilarious! Yes, his shoe floated away while I laughed hysterically. We grabbed a pool net but had no luck reaching it. After laughing, we continued on our walk, he with his wet sock and all. However, a few minutes later, when we were down a ways at the other end of the pond, the shoe was spotted again! This time near the shoreline! I raced to get the pool net again and this time success. Definitely a memorable moment.
While Erin was learning more about her photography hobby little did I know I would learn more in the kitchen. Here's a secret about me. . . I'm a pretty picky eater. I don't branch out into the unknown very often. However, I completely trust Erin. She and I are definitely cut from the same cloth. So, when she told me I should try some hummus that she bought at the grocery store I, albeit reluctantly, said yes. Shazammm!!! That stuff was good. She prepared it on a tasty parmesan garlic pretzel with smoked gouda cheese. The hummus had red peppers in it and the entire bite was just delish! I loved it and ate it all weekend. (when I got home I promptly went to the store and filled our fridge with several flavors. Hubby loves it now too!) She also somehow got my picky eater child eating apples and bananas with peanut butter on them.
Saturday afternoon, even though it was still windy and cool, we headed to the beach. The boys had been asking and asking to go so we finally made it. It was alot warmer than it had been that morning so it was definitely fun. We took a gazillion pictures and had fun talking shop. It was fun but we were all pooped afterwards. The beach just does that to you. Regardless of the pouty faces when we asked for pictures we did come away with some really cute ones.
Sunday we woke up and headed to Baytown Wharf. We toured all the little shopping areas and tried and tried to get some good pics of our children. They were so over the photography stuff though. Who could blame them. We are worse than the paparazzi.
Each night, after the boys went to sleep, we had fun talking girl stuff. I think we have shared all our secrets and, thankfully, she still loves me. We had such a relaxing time.
Now, for pictures. . . drum roll please. . . enjoy!
I'm starting off with my absolute favorite from the trip. I knew it the second I snapped the picture. Not perfect photography, not perfect exposure, or perfect clarity, but I simply love it for the fact that it's a precious picture of two best buds starting their day off together. This is REALLY what photography is all about. Making lifelong memories. These little guys will be friends for life.
Always beautiful. . . from our living room window 14 floors up.
Legos and Battleship were popular morning activities.
The new photographer working her magic. She's only been learning a few short weeks and I am astonished by all she knows and accomplishes. She is a natural.
the infamous shoe. . .
Let's take a moment to watch the short shoe video. . . ha!
The photos of me by Miss Hotness Photographer E. Cuzzort:
finally retrieved!!
beach fun. . .

Wow. THAT is a hot mama with a sexy lens!
That lens just makes you smile big!
I could look at pictures of my lens all day long. . . that thing just ROCKS if I do say so myself!
Just adorable.
This is definitely one of my favorites. For sure.
LOVE THIS!!! The dude is just ultra cool. What more can I say?
(Can you find me in the picture?)
A real smile. I just never get these anymore. What a treasure it is to get one again!
Love my sweet man so much.
I purposely did not edit his bruised, scratched up legs. See, he actually does get banged up!
The remote controlled boats were a big hit with the boys, not the moms! What a scam. $3 for about 3 minutes worth. Not nice people!
Instagram time. . .
my new yummy eats!!!
Battleship wars. . .