Thursday, December 8, 2011

All I Want For Christmas Is A Little More Time!

I don't even know where to begin. . . frustrated is beyond the word for it.  I'm dumbfounded.  Four and a half years ago when Paul and I decided that I would be a stay at home mom I thought that meant my life would be easier to manage.  What a complete myth.  Maybe it's just because I'm in the throws of extreme, non-stop going going going but it really feels like my life has gone into overdrive since then.  You guys know I love to blog and document every single thing on my children and family.  I haven't updated this since November 17th.  An extremely long time for me who was an avid "every day" blogger before Chase Parker was born.  In a nutshell. . . . I have been too busy for my own good and I just can't keep up!  Hopefully I will get it all together one day. . .

Here is a long overdue update to get you up to speed on the Birdwells. . . . let's see. . . where to begin. . .

We enjoyed a wonderful time with Zachary at his school Thanksgiving luncheon.  Daddy and I enjoyed a yummy turkey and trimmings lunch with our sweet big man and his friends.  We are SO blessed to have found this wonderful school!







And then, Thanksgiving Day arrived!  We spent the day at my brother and family's house.  It was perfect weather and perfect company.  My sister-in-law's family was there also. . . some who had never even met Chase Parker.  It was a fun day and wouldn't have been complete without a few cute family pictures of course.



one very sweet picture. . . 


no, it's not a duplicate picture of the above. . . look closely!



beautiful Natalie. . . 


I, of course, have been planning our family Christmas card and was hoping for perfect picture.  The design I had in mind just needed one little bitty teeny weeny picture of our two boys just sitting together. . . didn't even need to look at the camera.  It was literally a several hour and several location ordeal.  Why it took me 400 pictures to get just one perfect one is beyond me.  I guess it shows my lack of skills as a photographer!  Afterwards I was seriously contemplating googling to find the tallest, closest cliff by the end of the day and planning to jump.  But, nevertheless, I got the perfect one. . . finally.  Hopefully you will receive your card in the mail soon.

Speaking of mailing the cards. . . not too happy with the USPO!  After dropping Zach off at school one day recently I went to the Post Office on College Avenue downtown.  Went inside with my 70 cards and waited in the line while holding a very "I want to get down and run!" Chase Parker.  Finally made it up to the counter and handed my cards to a man with white hair who I was guessing had worked his whole life at the Post Office and had PLENTY of experience to figure out how much postage I needed to put on my square cards.  Sure enough, he handled it, gave me the appropriate number of stamps and I was on my way to the finish line with this project!  I made my way to another counter out of everyone's way and put my stamps on each one of my 70 cards while Chase Parker ran around like a wild man.  Then, dropped them in the box with a sigh of relief.  One project to scratch off my list.  But, oh no, that was not to be the case.  A day later I found all my 70 cards bundled in my mailbox together with a note that 24 cents had to be added to each and every one of my 70 cards.  Are you kidding me?  Really?  So, after a minute of rants and raves at my mailbox I composed myself and got a better attitude.  The next day after dropping Zach off at school I headed back to the Post Office and was itching to find the same exact white haired, INexperienced man to fix my problem.  I waited in line, yet again, with Chase Parker and, yet again, found the same man.  He said, "you're back!"  "Yes", I replied, "and not too happy."  Without an apology he remeasured and found that indeed, 24 additional cents was necessary.  SO, of course 24 cents doesn't come in one stamp, it comes in TWO.  So, WITH CHASE PARKER, I had to go to the same counter and put two freakin' more stamps on my 70 cards yet again.  I was not a happy momma but Chase Parker had a blast at least.  I was thankful that I had a happy baby throughout the ordeal.  So, when you get your card in the mail, just sigh for me when you see the three stamps on your envelope!

Christmas decorating began Thanksgiving weekend.  We decorated the inside and, to my surprise, had a pretty easy time of it.  I thought it might be a little challenging this year with a mobile Chase Parker but he was very well behaved and we had a blast.  Hopefully we will get to the outside decorating SOON!  Not looking forward to it but I know the boys will love it.  I hope to have pictures posted soon of our decorations.

Last Sunday at our church we had our annual offering for International Missions.  One person from each Sunday School class walked with their teacher to bring the offering received from each class.  Chase Parker and Zachary participated!  Not a very good video but I was a proud Mom!!

And now to what has been keeping me the MOST busy. . . photoshoots.  Photoshoots out the wazoo.  What ever happened to my rule of only FOUR photoshoots per month?  I have simply been having too much fun to say no.  However, the staying up til 2AM editing photos has grown old.  I am done for the month of December.  I've done enough.  I am excited that many people are happy with their photos though!  Here are a few of my favorites from some of the shoots.  Some I'm still not going to post since they are using for Christmas cards.









We have also enjoyed playdates and time with family and friends recently too. . . Zach and Chase Parker have been well entertained!!  Here are a few pictures and videos to catch you up. . .

Uncle David comes to play!  They wore him completely out.  When he was leaving he told me, "I'm going home to take a pill and then go to bed."  











Zach, Drew, Logan and Chase enjoyed Oven Park after school one day







And, Scarlett comes to play!! We've been missing them so much since they moved but are happy we get to see them this weekend!!


one of my best friends. . . one of the sweetest moms I know!!  (and she does look so comfortable with a baby boy too doesn't she!)  ;)






And now a few of my favorite MOM Photography shots lately. . .





I have not done ANY Christmas shopping.  Usually by now all the shopping is done and the presents are even wrapped and hidden away.  Not so this year. I don't even have a clue what I'm going to purchase!  Feeling so way behind. . . couldn't I just have ONE day without interruptions to get all this stuff done?  And, couldn't that day just be a little longer than 24 hours?  And couldn't I be full of energy (like that of a 4 year old) that day?

Hope you all are enjoying the hustle and bustle of this holiday season.

And, lastly, as if you haven't seen enough pictures, I'll get you guys caught up on a few of my favorite instagrams. . . .

cutie pie baby boy. . . 

I've actually been cooking!

handsome big man!

brothers. . . 

can we all say together. . . "whew."  That was a very long update.

1 comment:

  1. verrrrrrrrrrry long update! :) but I loved reading it! LOVE YOU!
