Bella Kate Birdwell
Mark it on your calendars. . . two days ago is the day I officially went out of my mind. Well, is that really true? Are you really out of your mind when you KNOW that what you are doing is crazy or are you just crazy and out of your mind when you don't even realize what you've done.
Yep, we have another dog. A 3-year old, female, 84lb. Great White Pyrenees at that. She is massive and. . . get this. . . she's an inside dog. Oh my, I just heard many jaws hit the floor. Deke, pick your jaw up and put it back together so you can tell me how crazy I am tomorrow night at the party. Yes, I know it's a shock everyone.
But, here is the deal. I THINK after having the second child I've loosened up a little of my OCD ways. However, I just realized that I need more self help in that area so I agreed to have this doggie inside. So far I'm loving it. However, it is not shedding season. I'm sure you will hear a different story come that month!
Bella is the sweetest, kindest, most well behaved dog I have ever met. If I didn't see her breathing I would sometimes think she is a polar bear rug. She has only been with our family two days now but already her devotion shines brightly. She loves us so much which is making us fall hard and quick for her.
So. . . everyone is wondering what the "story" is right? Well, here goes. . .
Chase Parker had a checkup appt with his therapy office on Monday at 5pm. When I arrived and was waiting with him in the lobby I saw this beautiful white pup through the glass door. When Tammy came out to greet us I asked her about the dog. She told me the story of how she had adopted her from the Humane Society a few days ago but, that, unfortunately, she did not get along with her other large breed dog. So, she was desperately trying to find another home for her so she didn't have to go back to the pound. While she was telling me this I was falling in love. Bella (actually Tammy had named her Lola) was just so sweet and so gentle and yet SO big (just the type of dog that would be great for our family!). Paul has always always always wanted a large breed dog. . . especially a Saint Bernard. I have always always always emphatically said no due to the fact that they are extremely large, but mostly have that horrific drool. With all the Basset Hounds I've had in my lifetime I have endured enough drool! But, even though Bella is not quite as big as a Saint Bernard I thought possibly Paul might fall for her too. So, I sent him pictures from my phone and called him. I could tell (even though he was giving me a hard time) that he wanted her home with us too! So, long story short, Tammy helped me load her and all of her belongings up in the Rover and we were home bound. Chase Parker didn't seem to mind at all. And, I knew Zachary would love her to death.
Now. . . what I DIDN'T expect was next. When I arrived home Paul took one look at her and said, "Ok, we can keep her but here's the stipulation." My heart immediately sank. It sounded bad. He continued on to say, "If I let you keep her you have to let me keep her inside." Whoa. That threw the entire deal off for me. I was riding down the road a few minutes prior to this conversation feeling all happy that I have a great dog and have the perfect dog setup with our air conditioned shed, complete with pet doors, in the backyard and even an invisible fence for Bella (or still Lola at this point) to enjoy. NEVER had it entered my mind that she would be an inside dog! But, Paul was pretty set on this. He wanted to try it. . . so, I agreed.
That's my story. . . our cat, Blue, would probably tell an entirely different kind of story. He is not too sure of this "horse" that has come to live with him. He is taking it all pretty good and I can tell from the way he is handling it that they will be snuggle buddies before long.
Now, before I get to all the pictures of Bella's first photoshoot. . . I'll tell you quickly about how we arrived at her name. First of all, Paul said, "I'm not having a dog named Lola." So, obviously we had to change it. That first night we struggled to find a name and had a very hard time of it. Finally we agreed upon Bella Kate. However, after some input from a friend we decided to change her name to Aspen. I loved the name Aspen and so did Paul. . . however, Zachary did not. He pitched a fit! He laid it on thick. . . telling us that Aspen was too hard for him to say, also told us that we weren't being fair since we had told him that she was his dog, and even went on to say that no matter what we named her he was going to call her Bella. So, we caved. Bella Kate Birdwell she is and will forever remain. Now, on to the most important part. . . her first photoshoot today. She did great. However, I can't wait to get her outside for a "real" photoshoot but it was nasty weather. I am going to LOVE shooting her with the kids too. She is SUCH a "pose me and do whatever" kind of dog. We love her and hope to have her a part of our family for many years to come. However, when you come over to our house from now on don't expect perfection on the floors or furniture but, instead, you will find the perfect doggie.
To Tammy. . . . thank you for introducing our sweet doggie to us. You not only are my son's therapist but now mine. You knew I needed some sensory, OCD help didn't you!
Everyone, come on by and meet her but for now. . . enjoy some pictures. . .