First up. . . ZACHARY TURNED SIX! Hard to believe I know. . . but, here are pictures to prove it:
We had his party at Lofty Pursuits. I am ADDICTED to their ice cream. YUM. So is Zach. They have a really cool shop - if you haven't been you should check them out!
My cousin made 48 adorable lego themed cupcakes PLUS the bigger lego cake especially for Zachary. She outdid herself - everything was perfect!!
After the kiddos arrive the candy making class began. Wes was awesome. It was amazing to see the candy making process. The kids loved it and so did the adults. Everyone got to take home their own bag of homemade candy.
We also enjoyed the great Mickey! He did all sorts of juggling tricks for the kids. He is a HOOT! We enjoyed having his family celebrate with Zach this year.
Everyone seemed to have a great time and Zachary was so excited to have all of his friends there to share in his big day.
A few days later I took him out to get some "real" photos. . . we had a great time together! I love the photos I was able to capture . . . he was so genuine which doesn't happen often when he's smiling for my camera. He did great!
And now on to other updates . . .
Chase Parker enjoyed a Daddy's Breakfast day at his school recently. The kiddos all performed a little show for all the dads. Unfortunately Paul's phone was not charged and he didn't get any pictures. You can imagine that I was NOT a happy camper. Stacey Dugger came through and saved the day though. She snapped this one and sent it to me. . .
Paul, of course, loved spending the morning with him but said he did not participate in the show at all. Just sat there . . . no singing, nothing. Why can't he be like that AT HOME?
Instead we get this type stuff. . .
He is our crazy little dude. . . always keeping us hopping!! :)
Let's talk about Bella now. . . whew. What a story! A couple of weeks ago she came in the house from a potty break and I noticed just a very slight smidget of blood on the floor. I checked her paws. I found one very small prick in one of her paw pads. Nothing major at all though. Called the vet to see if there was anything I could put on it and they told me just to TRY to keep it as clean as possible. A few days went by. . . she even went to Zach's class for show and tell. She was acting fine. No limping, no bleeding, nothing. Chasing squirrels, eating fine, etc.
It was the day of her obedience training. . . her trainer Gill had just arrived. Bella was sooooo excited to see her. So excited that all of a sudden her paw just started GUSHING out blood. All over my rug. Of course she couldn't have been on the hardwood floor when it happened!
I freaked out. Gill calmed me down. We called the vet and finally, after soaking through towels of blood, decided to take her to the vet. Now, remember how LARGE she is. Remember how WHITE she is. Remember how OCD I am. . . it was not a good mix. Gill was a wonderful savior that day though. She kept me calm and she even road with me to the vet holding Bella's paw the entire way.
We quickly saw the vet and left Bella there to be examined. She called me a little while later and told me she had found multiple pieces of glass in her paw! What? I didn't understand how she could have gone DAYS without showing any signs. It was very strange. Nevertheless, she had to have a little surgery to remove it all. Then the cone of shame came. Now we are good again. Boy am I glad!!
Here is her get well card from her trainer. . . LOL! She did not find humor in it. :)
Here is Bella Kate with Zach at Show & Tell. . . all the kids adored her! You would have never known she was walking around with glass in her paw. . . poor puppy!!
And now more cute pictures. . .
Zach enjoyed cupcakes with his class to celebrate his birthday at school!! He shares his birthday with Dr. Seuss - did you know that? :) Chase Parker loved coming to big school to join in the party!

And. . . we have a THIRD tooth gone!! :)
I think that is it for now. . . I am all pictured out. I'm sure you are too!
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