Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I Stink Lately!

Wow, I see that it's been 24 days since my last blog entry.  Sad.

I was telling my bestie today how completely guilty I feel about my family blog.  I have definitely been neglecting it lately. . . but, with good reason.

I wish I could have about 48 hours in each day right now.  Between shuffling the boys to preschool and different camps during the weeks, being out of town quite a bit, keeping home responsibilities going, keeping a husband straight, photoshoots, and getting down to the wire of my new website launching, I have been SWAMPED to say the least.

I can't really remember an evening where I have gone to bed before 1AM when I've been in town.  I've even let my gym workouts go.  Not good!!

But, hopefully, it will all be worth it in a few weeks when I have some major deadlines met and goals finally accomplished.  At that time I hope to be able to get back to my "normal" blogging schedule!

For now though, I am going to leave you with some super cute instagram photos from recent weeks.  I promise one day I will return to the land of "real" photos!!  SOON!!!!

The boys have had so much fun at the beach this summer. . .




Chase Parker is a hoot!  Constantly messing with his brother is his favorite past time!


We've had lots of fun with Drew and Brady this summer. . .



He's pretending to be a couch potato!


I love these little things even though they drive me nuts!


Bella is ALL about Bella.  She enjoys her life for sure.  What more can I say?


My little comedian. . . so cute!!


And, yes, even with hectic schedules we've managed a few date nights!



  1. LOVE you! Such cute pics! Don't sweat the blogging, I miss your posts but have fun now, blog it later! You are one busy girl! And I have to say you look good for someone who's been skipping the gym! Love you! M

    1. Oh, Mrs. Blimes. . . you always make my day. Thank you for your sweet words. I can't wait to see you again. You and Drew are looking FABULOUS. I wish your skinniness and gorgeousness would rub off on me! You make it look easy. Love you too! Let's PLEASE get together soon. Let me know when you can go out for fro-yo again!
