Sunday, January 29, 2012

Eighteen Months And Growing. . .


chase parker

On January 25th my little boy wonder turned exactly a year and a half old.  Still amazes me how time flies but yet crawls sometimes.

I took him in for his 18month checkup with Dr. Dalrymple and am always thankful to receive the wonderful news that he is a healthy and growing little man.  And!  I even got a great surprise when he told me that there would be no shots this visit.  Yipppeee!!

Even though he is at the age where he is testing the waters for sure and can aggravate the stew out of me he and his brother are still the brightest stars in our day.

Stats on Chase Parker:

Height:  33.5 inches

Weight:  25lbs. 13oz.

Interesting Facts on Chase Parker:

- his favorite foods continue to be any cracker known to man on this earth.  No matter what's on it, if it's a cracker he will love it.

- LOVES for his brother to wrestle with him.  He sits on top of Zach and jumps up and down on him like the fighter he is.

- loves climbing anything in sight.

- loves loves loves loves his Daddy!  He loves to run to him when he comes home every night.

- loves to go around following Bella Kate and Boo Boo kitty.  When it's naptime usually Boo is asleep in the rocking chair in Chase's room.  When we go in the room to get ready for a nap Chase always pets Boo and escorts him out of his room and then comes back letting me know he's ready for his nap.

- speaking of sleeping, Chase still goes to bed at 6pm and wakes up at 7am.  I know!  I know!  I'm the luckiest mom on the planet with wonderful sleeping boys!!!

- he STILL finds his big brother to be his favorite toy.  Zachary usually will go in his room first thing in the morning and turn his lamp on for him, turn his nightlight off, and put all of his animals back in the crib.  Chase LOVES for Zach to get in his crib for a few minutes to start the day off right.

- he's giving the SWEETEST little kisses now.  You can ask him for a kiss and he will happily pucker up and plant a wet one on your face.  He loves giving his little sugar away.

- Chase will be going to school starting this August!  Yes!  Three mornings a week he will attend Zach's preschool.  Zach will be in Kindergarten then so it will be a monsterous drive everyday but it will all be worth it.  Chase Parker will love it for sure.  (and so will mom!  ah. . . three plus hours to myself!)

We love our little boy so much.  Hard to believe he was a preemie baby by looking at him now.  He actually let me take some pictures of him recently.  It is always extremely hard to photograph your own children.  They don't understand why you are behind the camera and are constantly wanting you but, thankfully, he behaved wonderfully.  All credit due to his Daddy for keeping him happy in front of the camera.

He's such a big boy with a big personality.  Happy 18month birthday little tike!!  Your family loves you so very much.












1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet and beautiful boy! It is amazing how fast time goes. I love that he and zach are best buds.i hope for the same for my little guys. :o) Missu girl!
