Sunday, January 29, 2012

Eighteen Months And Growing. . .


chase parker

On January 25th my little boy wonder turned exactly a year and a half old.  Still amazes me how time flies but yet crawls sometimes.

I took him in for his 18month checkup with Dr. Dalrymple and am always thankful to receive the wonderful news that he is a healthy and growing little man.  And!  I even got a great surprise when he told me that there would be no shots this visit.  Yipppeee!!

Even though he is at the age where he is testing the waters for sure and can aggravate the stew out of me he and his brother are still the brightest stars in our day.

Stats on Chase Parker:

Height:  33.5 inches

Weight:  25lbs. 13oz.

Interesting Facts on Chase Parker:

- his favorite foods continue to be any cracker known to man on this earth.  No matter what's on it, if it's a cracker he will love it.

- LOVES for his brother to wrestle with him.  He sits on top of Zach and jumps up and down on him like the fighter he is.

- loves climbing anything in sight.

- loves loves loves loves his Daddy!  He loves to run to him when he comes home every night.

- loves to go around following Bella Kate and Boo Boo kitty.  When it's naptime usually Boo is asleep in the rocking chair in Chase's room.  When we go in the room to get ready for a nap Chase always pets Boo and escorts him out of his room and then comes back letting me know he's ready for his nap.

- speaking of sleeping, Chase still goes to bed at 6pm and wakes up at 7am.  I know!  I know!  I'm the luckiest mom on the planet with wonderful sleeping boys!!!

- he STILL finds his big brother to be his favorite toy.  Zachary usually will go in his room first thing in the morning and turn his lamp on for him, turn his nightlight off, and put all of his animals back in the crib.  Chase LOVES for Zach to get in his crib for a few minutes to start the day off right.

- he's giving the SWEETEST little kisses now.  You can ask him for a kiss and he will happily pucker up and plant a wet one on your face.  He loves giving his little sugar away.

- Chase will be going to school starting this August!  Yes!  Three mornings a week he will attend Zach's preschool.  Zach will be in Kindergarten then so it will be a monsterous drive everyday but it will all be worth it.  Chase Parker will love it for sure.  (and so will mom!  ah. . . three plus hours to myself!)

We love our little boy so much.  Hard to believe he was a preemie baby by looking at him now.  He actually let me take some pictures of him recently.  It is always extremely hard to photograph your own children.  They don't understand why you are behind the camera and are constantly wanting you but, thankfully, he behaved wonderfully.  All credit due to his Daddy for keeping him happy in front of the camera.

He's such a big boy with a big personality.  Happy 18month birthday little tike!!  Your family loves you so very much.












Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Our First Real Fight. . .

Last night was rainy and yucky like early this morning, remember?  Well. . . me, severely OCD, with beautiful recently mopped and vacuumed hardwoods + rain + wet grass and mud + a dog that needs to go out and potty don't mix well.  Last night I was faced with this nasty situation but quickly consoled myself by reminding myself that I had read online that Great White Pyrenees don't particularly like water.  I told myself, "Oh, she'll just rush out, go potty, and prance right back."  And, with her thick, weatherproof coat, she'll barely be wet.  I'll just towel her off and things will be fine.

This is how it went down. . .

Bella Kate and I walked out to the screened porch and I led her to the door and let her out.  She walked down the steps to the yard and proceeded to stand in one spot for about two minutes just leisurely looking around.  Rain was, of course, pouring down on top of her.  Guess she didn't need to go potty that bad afterall.  Guess she really didn't care that water was getting on her.  My only hope was that her fur was really weatherproof.  Of course I was on the covered porch mustering up my best, fierce parental voice, loudly telling the dog she better go potty quick and come back inside.  She must have not heard me.  I can't imagine that she would disobey me so blatantly.  She did.  Very blatantly.  As the minutes wore on she did finally move.  She decided to chase her tail in the rain.  She decided to run to the far corners of the one acre and then finally decided to go potty.  Of course afterwards came the scratching of the wet ground with tail held high signaling that she was done.  I, still seething on the porch and saying not so nice things to her, called and called and called.  Still she did not come.  I finally had to get her leash and go out in the weather to get her and lead her to the garage.  She was not on my good list.  I was soaking wet and furious while she was shaking every minute or two in pure bliss.  I just looked at her and tried to see where I had gone wrong in my thinking.  Clearly she LOVED being wet.  I was somehow going to make her pay.  But how?  What came next made me even more mad.  I had no choice but to go inside, get her brush and blowdryer and come back to the garage and give her a spa treatment.  Oh yes, she stood there so angelic as I blew her dry, fluffed her up all nice and pretty and even washed her freakin' dirty paws and belly.  She was not soaked, thank goodness.  The only theory that had been correct is that her thick coat is somewhat weatherproof.  Only the top layer was damp.  Still, the time it took me to blow her dry because she is so big was not fun!  And, what PUNISHMENT she received!  A spa treatment!  Uugh.  When I was done I let her go inside and the first thing Paul said was, "Oh wow, she looks so nice and fluffy!"  So, even after  her devilish behavior she was met with compliments from Daddy.

Since I was seething I decided to give myself some space from her.  I went back to the garage to clean up and retrieve my spa tools.  While I was out there I heard the door open and here came my husband.

Now, let's change to a different story line for a minute.  Let's back up to earlier in the evening.  Last night was pizza night at the Birdwell home.  It was a rainy, nasty night and Daddy was getting home late from work so he was kind enough to just pick up a pizza for us.  Zach, Daddy and I had enjoyed our dinner while Chase Parker was snoozing.  Bella Kate, who has always been SO wonderful during dinner time was sleeping soundly beside us as we ate.  Even though when she stands her head easily clears the top of the table she has never begged for food, never caused a problem, etc.  She usually is in the dining room with us sleeping beside one of our chairs as we enjoy dinner.  This night was no different. . . except for the promptness of cleaning the dinner dishes afterwards.  At the end of dinner Daddy and Zach went upstairs to see if they could fix Zach's crane and I took Bella Kate out into the pouring rain for potty time.  She had been standing at the door to the porch for awhile and even put a paw up on the door so I was sure it was definitely potty time.

Now, let's get back to the first storyline.  So, Paul comes out to the garage.  He has a sly grin on his face.  He says, "I need to tell you something about your girl."  He goes on to tell me that he and Zach were relaxing on the couch and he saw her head into the dining room.  Usually she goes in there to keep watch out the big window.  However, this time, apparently, she saw an opportunity that she just couldn't resist.  Leftover, uneaten pizza on MY plate, of course.  In one swift move she swiped it and Paul said she took it to her pillow and quickly consumed it, licking up all the crumbs with a broad smile on her face.  So, not only did she get to play in the rain and mud, get spa treatment afterwards, she enjoyed a nice after dinner pizza snack!  I would say she enjoyed her evening, wouldn't you?

So, now I know that she is indeed really a dog with faults.  Since I brought her home on December 19th she has been near perfect.  The ONLY other thing she has done has been to lounge on our bed.  But, she has not done it while we are home, only when we are away.  I came home a couple weeks ago to walk in my bedroom and find the bed all ruffled.  I thought to myself, "hmmm. . . maybe Zach was up here playing and I don't remember."  Clearly, after a couple more times of finding it in that state, I realized that Bella Kate had found our master bed satisfactory to sprawl her large body out on and relax while the family was out.  But, at least she has enough respect for us to not do it while we are at home, right?

People have always kidded with me that they would LOVE to be a Birdwell pet.  I'm beginning to think that I would love to be a Birdwell pet.

Ok, enough Bella news.  On to other Birdwells!

Recently the boys have enjoyed a trip to Zoinks among other fun things.  They've also had fun with Grammy and Papa at the park and going to the airfield to watch their Daddy fly his remote controlled plane.  It's been fun around here.

Here are some pictures to enjoy of course. . . .first some Bella Kate pics (I promise I will get back to taking human pictures soon!) and then the boys of course.







Thought this was so cute. . . 

I'm assuming this is how she sprawls out on our bed?

the kids LOVE their doggie!

Bella Kate keeping a watchful eye out in case they have leftover pizza I guess

happy sweet man!!

what a view!

my sweet baby boy!

"Mother, I cannot possibly clean up this mess."

fun at the park!

Linda, is this a typical Pyrenees pose?  She does this all the time!

awww. . . 

the new death trap at our house.  Chase Parker is quite sure he can be the first 1 year old to master the plasma car while riding on it like a skate board.  He is KILLING me!  I am sure to have emergency room visits with this kid.

my frumpled, rumpled bed after Bella sprawls her body out in all her grandeur

Chase Parker loves to come down the slide any which way!

Big Dude having a blast!

wishing they were old enough for bumper cars.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Our Christmas Holidays. . . .and My NEW Favorite Things.

Zachary knew his holiday break was nearing the end.  Yesterday he told me, "Momma I don't want to go back to school.  It's just WORK WORK WORK all day long!"  He has thoroughly enjoyed his break from all his so called work these past two weeks.  He's been spoiled rotten by both grandparents and having his Daddy home from work with him too.  We've had an enjoyable "time off" but I have to say, as a woman who loves and thrives on routine, I am glad to be back to "normal".  Definitely.

We had a wonderful Christmas holiday and New Years.  On Christmas Eve we enjoyed a yummy steak and lobster dinner with all the trimmings at Grandma Birdwell's house.  Then it was present time of course.  The boys loved that.  After a fabulous time there we returned back home early so the boys could get a good night's rest (and we could stay up to the wee hours of the morning putting together toys and wrapping!  Uugh.  Not my favorite part!)  Zachary was SO excited.

Christmas morning finally came and Zach actually waited until his clock turned 7AM before getting up.  Is this child MY child or what!  Always trying to follow rules.  Our bedroom has a straight shot look across the house into the living room directly to where the Christmas tree is.  We saw Zach come up to the tree and visibly saw his excited "Oh!"  He stared at everything intently for a minute and then here he came running!  He came up to our bed and loudly exclaimed "Santa came!  Santa came!"  What came next was hilarious.  He said, "Momma and Daddy!  Even though I've been naughty sometimes I prayed last night and God still sent Santa!"  Oh the laughter that came out of that.  We rolled!

So, we hurriedly got up and by this time Chase Parker was waking up so we grabbed him out of his crib too.  Everyone went in and did our "ooohhh and ahhhh's".  It was a fun morning.

Christmas afternoon we headed over to my parent's house for more presents and then Christmas dinner.  We played an AWESOME game too.  I can't describe it well but it was a fast paced, hilarious game to get a cool Christmas ornament.  Thank you Mom for so much fun!  Mom also had Christmas trivia for us to answer and win prizes.  What fun we have as a family.  I'm so thankful for those times.  Even though my brother Steve and family live in Tennessee and can't be with us we still get to talk to them by phone.  They were missed on Christmas for sure.

The next week and a half was spent taking down decorations, golfing, Wild Adventure trip, bike riding, shopping, bouncehouse fun, etc.  We had fun fun fun with Daddy while he was home.  Bella Kate enjoyed her first Christmas as our newest family member too.  She has made herself right at home and is enjoying being a Birdwell.  She spoils us rotten too!

Even through all the hustle and bustle and excitement of the holidays with all the great food, good times, and mounds of toys, one of my favorite moments was this:  I asked Zachary one night what the real meaning of Christmas was and what the most important part of our celebration is.  Without skipping a beat he simply answered, "Baby Jesus was born".  It's important to me that he knows that.

Now of course the pictures that you knew were coming. . . .

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Granddaddy Birdwell's


can that be more of a fake smile on Zach's face or WHAT!




Christmas Morning. . . 








One of his favorite toys. . . his Hex Bugs and Habitat!  




The HUGE 51" ball that Santa thought we must have. . . . . (why???)

Can you find Zach peeking out of it?










Now the Instagrams. . . .

We have entered the Wii world now. . . 

Fun at Wild Adventures!!

New Year's Eve!!

Is this not a HUGE paw???  (but oh what a sweet one!)

the girl does have the life. . .

which brings me to a couple of MY favorite new things. . . .

My good friend, Erin, recommended both of these items to me.  She knows my frustration with hair and my OCD sickness so she stepped in to help.  I'm so loving my new vacuum and doggie hair brush.  What a difference they make in my stress level.  Wow.  To think that a vacuum and hairbrush is on the top of my list of favorite things is indicating a serious problem.  ;)

the best $79 my husband has spent in a long time. . . 


and yes, it looks like it doesn't do much but OH MY!  what a job it does.  Awesome FURminator!!


AND. . . without sweet Bella Kate a vacuum and hairbrush would not be on my list of new favorite things!  She is definitely at the top of my list of favorite new things though!  LOOK at this face!  Yes, I am in love!  She is pure happiness all wrapped up in one big furball that gets all over my floors.



and, yes, she knows how to "work it girl!" with those eyes. . . . 


before I go, speaking of my good friend Erin. . . look at the incredible RAINBOW CAKE she made for her son's recent 5th birthday.  I WANT ONE!  I WANT ONE!!!  (and it was absolutely delish too!!)
