On Saturday morning we arrived at precisely 9:47AM and just barely missed the first 10AM train ride. Thankfully we had an all day pass to ride as many times as we wanted so it really didn't matter. We walked around the carnival like atmosphere and made sure we took bathroom breaks before the next train ride at 10:45. We were fortunate to get to ride in the "premium" car due to our VIP status (all day pass riders that is!). Our guide, Mr. Jack, was very charming and had lots of great information for us and made the ride very enjoyable. We rode just two times but that was enough for Zach (thank goodness!). He enjoyed himself so much!! Chase Parker did as well.
After walking around some more and letting Zach pick out a couple of toys (Grammy bought one for Chase Parker too!) we headed back up to the trolley that would take us to our car.
The boys had a fantastic time and I think Grammy and Papa enjoyed themselves even though it was a long, tiring day. The adults got tired and HUNGRY very quickly. One adult, in particular, was threatening divorce if I didn't feed him "real" food so after our Thomas adventure we found a much needed Cracker Barrel to feast upon.
As we made our way back home to Tallytown we stopped at a cotton field and I was anxious to feel native cotton. It's always has amazed me that something non edible grows from the ground. Just seems weird! Zach got out with me and he had a great time too. We picked a little illegally for him to take to Show & Tell. He kept asking me if were gonna get in trouble for picking it. He is SUCH a straight shooter. We arrived home about 6:30PM and rested up the rest of the evening. What an adventure yesterday!
Today we enjoyed a nice bike ride in the park and then a picnic while watching everyone set up for the infamous Dog O Ween at Tom Brown Park. Beautiful day outside! Looking forward to blowing up the bouncehouse for the boys later and carving our pumpkin. I have a yummy dinner planned to eat outside by a fire daddy is planning on building for us. Should be a fun evening!
Here are a few (thousand!) pics from our adventure yesterday. . . . but first, a cute little video of Zach helping to push Thomas out of the station! (turn your volume up!!)
beautiful field. . .
"REAL" cotton!!
cool planes at the Veteran's Memorial Park where Thomas was visiting!
the real "Sam" in Sams Shortline!
Zach and Mom having fun "pulling" Thomas out of the station!
my sweet hubby!
these next few pictures are some of my favorites!
I LOVE this picture. . . my little dude looking out the window riding on a real train. He loved it!!
the Conductor!
this was one of the "Premium" cars as they called it. Constructed in 1939. Beautiful mahogany wood.
LOVE this picture too. My sweet mom and my sweet boy!
Mr. Jack, one very cool man!
Mr. Jack opened a window for me and let me hang out to get a few pictures!
Lake Blackshear