This morning when I heard Chase Parker waking up around 7AM I woke Daddy up and then went in to Zach's room to wake him up. The plan was to all go in as a family and serenade Chase Parker with the birthday song. Well, it took me about 10 minutes to get the guys going. Daddy was putting his contacts in while I was still trying to get Zach up. He told me he wanted to go sing to Chase as long as I let him "come back to bed and charge his batteries just a teeny weeny bit more". I told him that was a deal. So, here we go, into Chase's bedroom with our beautiful voices singing. When we opened his door he was, of course, standing up in his crib. He had a look of "what in the world?" on his face. He then got so shy that he hid his face! It was the cutest thing! He didn't have a clue that today was his big day. He quickly figured it out though and enjoyed being the center of attention this morning.
We ate breakfast and got ready to head out to take Zach to camp and Chase Parker to school. When we arrived at school he proudly told his teachers that he was TWO! I'm sure he will be pampered at school as usual but we will also have fun pampering him tonight. Sunday we plan to pamper even more with a party of course!
I guess every mother thinks of the day their baby was born when it's his or her birthday. Remembering that day brings so much joy to my heart but also a memory of one of the most difficult times in my life. Many of you know he was born 6.5 weeks early. While he was healthy as a horse, thankfully, it was still a very difficult time because it meant being discharged from the hospital without my baby boy. That was rough to say the least. He only stayed in NICU 16 days but that was the longest 16 days ever!
From a preemie baby of just 5lbs. he has chunked up now! I'm so thankful that God has brought him through preemiehood and months of physical therapy and now he is a happy, healthy, thriving boy.
He's such a different child from Zachary. I have both ends of the spectrum with my two boys. Definitely makes for an interesting life!
I'll leave you with some fun facts about Chase Parker at TWO. . . (and, of course, some photos!!)
Favorite Snack: Any type of crackers! If it makes a crunch in his mouth he likes it!
Favorite Dinner: Spaghetti (that's what we are having tonight!)
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon (he can put it away if the mood strikes him)
Favorite Sayings: "More of this!", "Mama sit!", "Mama watch!"
Favorite Person: PAPA!!! No doubt. The boy loves him some Papa!!
Bedtime: Still between 6 and 6:30pm.
Wakes Up: Around 7AM
Favorite Toys: Trains and Trucks (typical boy!)
Favorite Outside Activity: Water! He loves the pool and has no fear (bless my heart!)
Odd Favorite: He LOVES brushing his teeth. I think he would do it all day long if I let him.
He loves to rub people's heads. Anybody, he doesn't care. But, he likes shorter hair the better. We were in the dentist office waiting room (waiting on Zach) one day and I had such a hard time keeping him from going up to everyone to rub their head!
He is LOUD LOUD LOUD! The boy only knows the loud button. I really am praying for the day when the little tike finds his inside voice!
He loves to give hugs and kisses. He is irresistible when he comes up to you saying "Hugs! Hugs!" and then wraps his little arms around you and plants a wet one on you.
We love our boy!
Happy Birthday Chase Parker!!!
Here he is on his first day home almost 2 years ago.
Here is Chase Parker at ONE!
and now at TWO!!
and lastly, this is a sweet picture I snapped this morning. I love, love, love his eye lashes! I was so happy to get this sweet little expression. Captured on camera and now mine forever to remember.
I love you Chase Parker!