Saturday, June 30, 2012

Saturday Fun With Chase Parker. . .

It's been a fun Saturday. . .today Daddy and Zach spent a good majority of the day at the airfield.  Paul is practicing with his new helicopter and Zach was excited to go watch.  I decided to have a date day with my sweet baby boy Chase Parker.  Late this afternoon we decided to hit the pool to cool off.  I got some adorable pictures don't you think??  When we came inside to eat dinner he absolutely ate like a horse!  After his meal he asked for more watermelon and decided to eat three more big bowls of it.  I'm seeing so much progress in his eating now.  Relief!  And, today was the first day of the dreaded "why's".  I took a double take when I asked him to put a train back up on the table and he quickly responded "why?".  Oh boy. . . the "why" questions are coming!

Tomorrow the Birdwells are headed to the beach to have some more fun in the sun.  Monday will be here before we know it!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Overdue Update. . .

Lots of family happenings to catch you up on. . .

First of all, Zach had fun at his last day of school on May 31st.  I was there as a volunteer with the all day long party they had.  The kids had a blast and the teachers did too.  I can't believe this is his last year at Trinity.  Here he is below having his last review of the day with his beloved Mrs. Duclos.



And, the last picture of the day. . . with all of his buds as we walk to the car to leave.  A tear jerker!!!


And, summer has begun at the Birdwell abode!  Bouncehouse fun and more.

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My sweet hubby surprised me one day recently and took the entire day off work to spend with me.  Our date day was FABULOUS.  We went shopping together, saw the Avengers, and ate at our favorite burger joint. . . Five Guys.  I miss spending time with him without the kids around so much.  He could tell that I needed it!  He is so freakin' sweet!!!


We had two people tell us that day that we needed our own comedy show.  I guess we were having fun together.  Here we are trying to find him some "clean" tennis shoes.  I let him try these suckers on but there was no way he was leaving with these "toe" tennis shoes.  Not a chance!!  I had fun taking pictures though.

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We parked by this old, but still very cool, Land Rover at the movies.  I hope my car looks this good when it's that age!  She's seven years old and still goin' strong.


Chase Parker had his first swim lesson!  He cried the entire time  but he did everything she told him too.  He is a little trooper.  Zach has been taking refresher lessons as well.  Getting both boys used to the water for summertime!


And speaking of summertime. . . I just enjoyed a much needed girls weekend break with my bestie Erin.  She and I enjoyed Destin for a few days.  We had a blast relaxing on the beach, staying up late chatting, and eating delish food.  We both missed our boys though!

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Chase Parker was originally scheduled to start school three mornings a week this coming August.  But, THANKFULLY, Trinity had an opening become available and he started the summer session.  Here  he is his first day of school trying with all his might to carry that big lunchbox.  He wants to carry it everyday.  He only cried one morning when I dropped him off.  Now he gives me and brother a wave and hug goodbye, hands his lunchbox to his teacher and off he goes to play.  Does a momma's heart SO good!  He is loving it.  When I pick him up after lunch his chest is puffed out a mile!


Erin, Drew and Brady invited us to go with them to the Florida Museum of Natural History and Butterfly Museum in Gainesville.  We had a blast.  I highly recommend this.  It is a great place for kids! 

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Fun times at home with a completely spoiled rotten doggie!!

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