I have lots of pictures to catch you up on. First of all, Chase Parker "performed" (boy do I use that word lightly) in his first Christmas program. He was adorable even though he didn't sing a note, no, not one. He was, however, the best behaved out of his class I think! He stood there very still, facing forward, no tears, no running off the stage in hysterics, no bothering friends.
You can see it got a little hairy here. . .my son is in awe of his girlfriend beside him, while others around them are showing off hilarious facial expressions!
The kids were ADORABLE. . . and here he is walking back to his classroom with his teacher Miss Murphy. He adores her. . .
And, a friend was nice enough to snap a quick family shot. . .I love my men!!
The grandparents were proud as peacocks. . . .
It was an enjoyable day. . .
And, later that week Zach and I had fun baking our Happy Birthday Jesus cake for Christmas Day dessert. And, there was fun at FunStation Jr. with Daddy. He has had the whole week off so we have enjoyed having fun with him.
All the fun has a certain little one and big furry thing pooped out!
AND. . . CHASE PARKER got out of his crip and into a big boy bed now! Yippee!! He has done great with the transition. . . SO much easier than Zachary did at his age. :) He loves it!
Christmas Eve was spent at Grandma and Granddaddy Birdwell's house. . . fun times!
And then Christmas morning arrived. . . it was a grand time. The boys make Christmas so enjoyable at their age. . .
We enjoyed Christmas dinner at my mom and dad's home. Mom prepared a DELICIOUS turkey and all the trimmings for us to enjoy. A funny story. . . she cooked the turkey through the night (thankfully!) and had all the trimmings prepared to cook the next morning. Unfortunately she discovered that something was wrong with her oven. The kids had to divide the food up and take it to their respective homes to cook it. LOL!! Thank goodness we all live very close to each other. All was on time and all was delicious!
Uncle Steve and Aunt Lisa sent the boys marshmellow machine guns. Gotta love them. So, Papa and Grammy's squirrels in their yard will be enjoying marshmellows for months to come. :)
The boys loved their trains and legos that they rec'd. . . Zach is REALLY into legos now. He loves them and is so good at them. I love it because he is getting so much better at using his left arm now after breaking it recently. :) YAY!