Tuesday of last week was originally planned to be fun fun fun. Erin and I had planned a bestie date, photo shoot, and playdate all rolled up into one. I was scheduled to shoot Brady's (Erin's son) 8 year old pictures that afternoon. We chose the greenway off of Miccosukee Road as our location. The golden rod was blooming beautifully and it was the perfect spot for the type photos that Erin had in mind. It was also a great place for our three boys to play together while we took some much anticipated, totally awesome photos!
She purchased those big, huge, perfectly round, gorgeous, bright, colorful, expensive balloons for the shoot. Eight of them to be exact. $10 a piece. Yep, we were excited. We got the boys, camera equipment, and balloons carefully out of the car. Walked about 150 yards to our spot and started our shoot. The boys were horsing around with each other on the path while Erin and I started. I had clicked the shutter just a few times when I heard my firstborn cry out in terrible pain. He was lying on the ground screaming at the top of his lungs. I knelt down beside him and started to pick him up when I noticed his left arm. I won't describe it but it was enough to immediately make me sick to my stomach. I cried out for Erin and she looked at the pain in my face and then looked at his arm. She immediately took control of the situation. She could see I was barely staying present with seeing my child in that condition and screaming in pain. She calmly picked him up and carried him all the way to her car. As we were hurrying down the path I heard Erin say to Brady (who still had balloons in his hands), "Let's say goodbye to the balloons! Just let 'em go Brady." Well, at least I was thankful I had gotten SOME shots. Hopefully some good ones. We loaded up in our cars and headed to Capital Medical since it was right down the road from where we were. I called Paul on the way.
The next few hours flew by but were sheer agony. I know it was just a broken arm and I know it could have been so much worse but hearing my child cry out in so much pain and not being able to take it away was the worst and most helpless feeling I've ever felt. Plus the images of seeing his arm just kept flying through my mind. I wish I had never had to see that. I hope that memory fades. . .soon!
After examination and x-rays it was determined that surgery was needed that evening. He went in about 9:15PM and surgery lasted about an hour and a half. He did great. . . he was such a trooper! When he woke up and was moved to his room in the pediatric wing I was amazed at how well my little boy was adjusting. He was a chatterbox asking all sorts of questions, eating popsicles and playing I Spy.
The next afternoon it was time to come home. Challenging yes, for sure. He is not liking only having one arm to use! And, the first two days after surgery proved to be extremely painful. Not fun! He has had so many wonderful visitors bearing wonderful goodies and treats to keep him motivated to be happy. His best buds Drew and Brady were adorable as they were reading him stories during their visit. His friend from Pre-K Logan also stopped by to lift his spirits. His grandparents are spoiling him rotten. His mama and daddy are spoiling him rotten. His Uncle and Aunt are too! Even baby brother is being so nice to him! So many well wishes from other friends as well. His teacher, Mrs. Bist was so sweet to come by for a visit and to bring a huge card that his friends at school made for him. So sweet!!
Of course I've kept the hospital arm band and shirt they had to cut off of him for his keepsake box. I just never imagined this for my always careful and overly cautious sweet Zachary. But, boys will be boys and they will play and tumble sometimes! He just fell on his arm the wrong way.
We are getting along much better now. . . settling into our new routine. I'll be glad when he gets back to true normal though. Hopefully sometime around Thanksgiving.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes! Much appreciated!
waaayyy too much electronics being allowed right now in this house!
(as if he can't feed HIMSELF that McDonald's Oreo McFlurry!)