Friday, September 14, 2012

Buttons, Etc.

Last Friday Zachary came home with a special surprise in his bag. . . . for me. . . from his beloved teacher Mrs. Bist.  Guess what it was. . . buttons. . . TONS of them.  All shapes and sizes and colors and textures.  Some loose, some stapled on cardboard, some strung into bracelets, some sewn together.  She sent a note and tupperware container along with them, asking me to please separate all the buttons and put them in the container.

I must admit my first thought was, "how am I ever going to be able to do this?"  Those who know me know that I do not ever sit still.  I rarely relax.  I always have something to start, something to finish, something to do.  But, then. . . DUH. . . it hit me. . . this would be awesome to do with Zach!  Duh.

He was actually excited to help every time we sat down to do them.  They took quite awhile.  Not because it was strenuous project but rather because of all the conversations that ensued.  That little guy of mine talks and talks and talks.  I loved it.  At first he would talk about his favorite buttons, the colors, the shapes, etc.  Then it would lead into stories about school, about his beloved Mrs. Bist, other teachers, his new friends, etc.  We really had a great time together.  So. . . THANK YOU MRS. BIST!

One of the things I learned from Zach during our buttons time was that he was earning lots and lots of coveted purple tickets.  Apparently these tickets can be saved up and then taken to a school store to purchase toys.  He was SO excited to tell me that he has a mound of purple tickets saved up at school.  Every time you get a happy note you get a ticket.  Every time you get a Citizen of the Week award you get FOUR purple tickets.  And, yes, my walk the straight and narrow path child has received a happy note every single day at school so far.  He is SO proud of that fact.

And, today he came home bursting with pride that he received the Citizen of the Week award!! He couldn't wait to tell me all about it.  Apparently the principal announced it on the TV.  Mrs. Bist pinned a ribbon on him and he wore it with pride to let us and his grandparents see it.  Apparently if you win Citizen of the Week award you also get to bring in a Show & Tell item the following week as well.  He has already decided it's gonna be his helicopter.  It's amazing how a great teacher can motivate their students!  I wonder if my Mom and Dad used any of these tactics when they were teachers way back when?

Moving on. . . we recently enjoyed Open House at Chaires.  Zachary was so excited to show us around his school and around his room.  He excitedly showed off all of their projects they had been working on.  He is having a ball in Kindergarten!

And, Chase Parker is having a ball at Pre-K2 as well.  Every day I pick him up he is a happy little camper.  He's also starting to get VERY interested in the potty.  He's interested at home and at school and is even trying to go now.  I found it hard to believe since he's just 25 months old but I'll take him being closer to out of diapers any day!  That would be nice!!

He's also getting to be a speed demon on the plasma car.  He has always been a dare devil but that little joker is not scared of anything.  I can barely stand to watch him. . . thank God for helmets.

Both boys have been having so much fun especially with Papa lately.  Since Zachary's been in school now, Papa likes to pick him up in the afternoons.  Then he usually swings by to pick up Chase Parker and he takes them for an adventure.  Zachary and Papa have been having Hot Wheel Racing Championships at Papa and Grammy's house lately too.  It's hilarious to see what a grandfather will do for the grandchildren.  Apparently he sits in a chair and they write down all the matchups.  Then, after racing two at a time, the winner gets to go sit under the lamp and the loser has to go to the deep dark basket.  The results are handwritten and recorded too.  Wow.

In other news, I recently purchased these two new canvas wraps of the boys.  I LOVE THEM!!!  They look great in our dining room.

We have been loving the cooler weather in the mornings.  Bella Kate loves walking now and Zachary and Chase Parker love eating at the Birdwell Boyz Cafe each morning.  They are cute to overhear when they are out there eating by themselves.  Like two old men chatting it up.

I can't wait til the Fall weather comes to stay!

Well, I guess it's time to hit the sack!  This mom needs to recharge her batteries.  Have a great weekend everyone!!